Introduction Data Communication Networks Protocols and Standards Basic Concepts
Data Communication -Exchange of information between two or more devices via some form of transmission medium. Ways to enhance communication -Delivery Delivery of data at prescribed destination -Accuracy No changes at the time of transmission -Timeliness Delivery of data must be within time
Data Communication System Components
Networks Distributed Processing Set of devices connected by media links, which can be a computer printer or any other devices capable of sending/recieving data. Distributed Processing a task which is divided among multiple computers. Advantages : Security Distributed databases Faster problem solving Security through redundancy Collaborative processing
Network Criteria Performance Reliability Security Based on transit time and response time Number of user Types of Transmission medium Hardware Software Reliability Security
Protocols and standards Set of rules govern data communication Key elements of protocols Syntax:- Structure Semantics :- Meaning of each section of bit Timing
Standards Provides model for development Two categories De facto(“By Convention”) Proprietary(Closed Standards) Non-proprietary(open Standards) De jure(“By Law”) Have not approved by organization body.
Basic Concepts Line Configuration Topology Transmission Mode Categories of Networks Internetworks
Line of Configuration Point to Point Multipoint One to one connection Dedicated links Multipoint More than two Devices Shared a single line
Point-to-Point Line Configuration
Multipoint Line Configuration
Topology Geometric Representation of connected devices in a Network
Mesh Topology Dedicated Point to Point links Transfer of a data between two devices only. Provides privacy, Security. Provides fault identification, fault isolation. Problems with this topology Uses number of cables Installation and reconnection
Representation of Mesh Topology
Tree Topology Majority of nodes connected to secondary hub Central hub in the tree is an active hub
Representation of Tree Topology
Star Topology Each device is connected to the central point i.e. Hub. Devices are not connected with each other. It does not allow direct traffic. It is Robust.
Representation of Star Topology
Bus Topology It is Multipoint connection. Nodes are connected to bus cable by Drop lines and Taps. Because of Heating problem we use less no of Taps. Difficult to add another device in a network. Drop lines is connection between device and main cable. Tap is a connector that either
Representation of Bus Topology
Ring Topology Dedicated point to point connection with only the two devices. Easy to install and reconfigure. Connected to immediate neighbours
Representation of Ring Topology
Transmission Mode Simplex Half-Duplex Full Duplex
Full Duplex
Signals Analog and digital Aperiodic and periodic signals Analog signals
Analog and Digital Signals Analog Signals- Continuous waveform that changes smoothly over time. Two forms-Simple Composite Characteristics of Analog Signal Amplitude Period and Frequency Phase
Periodic Signal It completes a pattern within a measurable time
Aperiodic Signal Changes constantly without exhibiting pattern or cycle
Time and Frequency Domain Time-domain plot Shows changes signal amplitude with respect to time. Frequency –domain plot Shows relation with frequency and amplitude.
Digital Signal Most digital signals are aperiodic Bit interval- Time required to send one single bit Bit rate- Number of bi interval per second