Taste Receptors Taste buds are distributed in oral cavity,pharynx and larynx the lingual taste buds are present on the lateral and dorsal borders of the tongue and associated with the papillae
There are four types of tongue papillae 1-filiform papillae 2-fungifome papillae 3-circumvallate papillae 4-foliate papillae Filiform papillae are the most numerous these are present on the dorsum of the anterior and posterior region of the tongue these papillae do not contain taste buds so they have no gustatory function the fungiform papillae contain one or more taste buds their upper surface. These are prtesent on anterior two thirds of the tongue
The circumvallates papillae The circumvallates papillae are present at the junction of oral and pharyngeal parts of the tongue taste buds are located on the sides of the papillae
foliate papillae The foliate papillae are found on the posterior, lateral border of the tongue these papillae consist of series of folds forming clefts in the tongue surface so the taste buds are found in the epithelium of the cleft wall
Dynamic proper’s of taste buds Taste bud are replaced regularly and rapidly during the taste cells migrate from the periphery to the center of the bud another important property of taste buds in their ability to regenerate if gustatory nerve is transectioned it results in disappearance of the taste buds innervated by that nerve once the nerve regenerates the taste buds reappear
Termination of gustatory afferent fibers Gustatory afferent fibers from facial XII) (IX gloss pharyngeal) and (X vague) terminate in uncles the cell bodies of three XII, IX, X
Speech Speech The larynx play an important role in speech besides larynx muscles from Abdominal wall to the lips, teeth ,nasal cavities and respiratory spaces all these take part in speech. Collectively they are called as vocal tract the vocal cord vibrate and produce sound. Depending on the Age ,sex , the total range of vibration frequency for speech is B/w 60-500 cycles per second
average control of speech second the average control of speech frequency is about 100 for a male ,200 for females and 250 for children the positioning of the fauces ,tongue, soft palate and teeth modify the parameters of vocal tract consonants are associated with particular anatomy sites from which they are associated in terminology of phonetics the P and B are labial , T and D are Dental M and N are nasal
nasal the Anatomical changes in the larynx and it’s resonating vocal tract are only small fraction of second the combination of larynx,pharynx, hyoid, palatal and muscles are combined in rapidly changing combination with the teeth in mechanics of phonation and articulation of speech in this way the oral cavity helps in speech
Lsyli 1- give a list oral Anatomy 2- what are the Oral Functions 3 Discuses initial Function of Saliva 4-Define Oral Physiology 5-Enamurete Muscles which take parte speech 6- sheg Gobolka ugu dagmoyinka badan somalia