Path A Narcissism Social Media Path B Plausible causal paths linking narcissism and social media. Path A represents narcissism influencing social media. Path B represents social media influencing narcissism. Together, Paths A and B represent bidirectional influence
Increased self-esteem/ inflated self-concept Narcissism Social Media Motive to self-enhance Sample Social Media as Self-regulation model: this is a simple version showing the role of self-enhancement motivation in narcissists’ social media use, and the feedback loop whereby self-concept in inflated and narcissism is maintained.
Social Media Use Grandiose narcissism Vulnerable narcissism Extraversion low Agreeableness Neuroticism Plasticity Stability Sample integrative trait model of narcissism and social media use. The Big Five traits are grounded in the meta-traits of plasticity and stability.
Narcissism of site owner Perception of Site owner Cues or traces: Social media site content Photos Language Hashtags Friends Favorites Other Accuracy Sample Lens model: Accuracy refers to correlation between site owner’s narcissism and perception of narcissism based on site. Cues or traces are aspects of the site that may be predicted by owner's narcissism and/or predict perception of owner’s narcissism.
Narcissism and Social Media: Meta-Analytic Correlations Note: Data from McCain & Campbell, 2017