Welcome to 2nd Grade French Immersion Miss Fowers M. Pessin
Who are we ?
General information M.Pessin’s website: Schedule Curriculum map Ipad apps Supply list Math and French games Messages Miss Fowers’ website: Schedule Curriculum Map Language Arts Websites Spelling Lists Vocabulary Lists Parent Information Foxboro’s new Facebook page: www.facebook/foxborofalcons
First Day Folder Newsletter paper (blue paper) School rules and expectations, dress policy PE expectations PTA membership PTA FOXBORO shirts Acceptable use agreement Teacher note sheet Road to Success info
Schedule & Teamwork
Miss Fowers’ Daily Class Schedule 8:45 AM – First Bell, Self-Start: Independent Reading 9:00 AM: Vocabulary Instruction 9:15 AM: Comprehension and Fluency Instruction 10:00 AM: Grammar 10:15 – 10:30 AM – Recess 10:30 – Switch Classes: Self-Start, Independent Reading 10:45 AM: Vocabulary Instruction 11:00 AM: Comprehension and Fluency Instruction 11:45 AM: Grammar 12:00 PM: Jobs and lunch prep 12:10 – 12:45 PM: Lunch 12:45 PM: Spelling Practice Self-Start 12:50 PM: Writing Instruction and Practice, Content Area Reinforcement 1:30 PM – Switch Classes 1:30 PM: Spelling Practice Self-Start 1:45 PM: Writing Instruction and Practice, Content Area Reinforcement 2:15 – 2:30 PM – Recess 2:30 PM: Jobs and pack up for end of day 2:40 – 3:20 PM: Specialists 3:25 PM: Dismissal Specialists: Library (Monday), Music (Tuesday), PE (Wednesday), Computer (Thursday)
M.A.Y.O. Mains sur la table Assis correctement Yeux sur Mr PESSIN Oreilles Ouvertes
Homework Given on Monday, turn in on Friday 30 minutes a day + reading (20 minutes) Language Arts, Math, French Spelling test every Friday Please send us an email if you want to receive the homework by email !
Contact Attendance line : 801-402-5056 Email Green class : jpessin@dsdmail.net Phone : 801-402-5050 ext. 55068 Email Blue Class : kfowers@dsdmail.net Phone : 801-402-5050 ext. 55067 Attendance line : 801-402-5056
Remind App To join and receive information via texts Enter the number: 81010 (or 385-282-4827) Write the message: @missfowe
Be Engaged Have fun Do your best Philosophy to succeed Be Engaged Have fun Do your best
French Oral discussion : towards elaborated sentences/short paragraphs Taoki : reading, vocabulary, comprehension French literacy Writing Vocabulary
Math Main priority = CRT Facts, facts, facts : 37 digits in 2 minutes Focus on addition and subtraction Story problems 1 topic at a time
Science / Social Studies In French Reinforcement in English.
English/Language Arts Listening and Speaking Reading/Language Arts: McGraw Hill Spelling Writing Science and Social Studies Writing
Math Problem solving Vocabulary