Background Renaissance England became interested in classical plays (Greek and Roman). Comedies – happy ending, not necessarily humorous Tragedies – main.


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Presentation transcript:

Background Renaissance England became interested in classical plays (Greek and Roman). Comedies – happy ending, not necessarily humorous Tragedies – main character (the tragic hero) comes to an unhappy end Shakespeare also wrote histories and romances.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle defined tragedy as: Arousing pity for the hero Arousing fear in all human beings (who are subject to an unknown destiny) Producing cleansing of the emotions (catharsis)

Classic tragedy characteristics Tragic hero comes to an unhappy end Tragic hero is important in society (nobleman, king, etc.) Tragic hero has a tragic flaw, or a weakness of character Antagonist contributes to the hero’s downfall Tragic resolution occurs at the end Tragic hero recognizes his tragic flaw by the end and gains the sympathy of the audience Tragic hero meets his doom with courage and dignity

Literary techniques used by Shakespeare Soliloquy – a speech a character gives alone on stage in order to reveal his thoughts to the audience. Aside – a remark made in an undertone to the audience or another character. Others onstage are not supposed to hear it.

Setting and Themes Setting - seventeenth century Venice, Italy, and Cyprus (island off the coast of Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea). The Turks are the enemies of Venice. Themes – Appearance vs. Reality (Do we ever really know another person?) Society’s treatment of the outsider Jealousy is a destructive emotion

Main Characters in othello Othello – Moor (Northern African) who is a professional soldier who is employed by Venice as general of its forces. He is sometimes called General and sometimes Captain, and he is greatly respected. Desdemona – Venetian Lady whose father is a senator. She is of the nobility. Iago – lower class, serves as ancient (ensign) or flag-bearer, which is third in command to Othello

Roderigo – Gentleman from Venice, landowner, and rich Roderigo – Gentleman from Venice, landowner, and rich. He wants to marry Desdemona. Cassio – Gentleman, member of the nobility from Florence, educated, lieutenant, which is second in command to Othello, and Othello’s friend Emilia – Lower class, servant to Desdemona, wife of Iago Brabantio – Desdemona’s father and a senator