Artificial Intelligence and Robotics By: Constantin Lungu and Stas
Introduction The idea of artificial intelligence and robots is not new Thinking machines and artificial beings appear in many Greek myths The word robot comes from the word robota, meaning hard work The biggest breakthrough in artificial intelligence is IBM’s Watson.
Applications and technologies Autonomous vehicles (Robotics) Face recognition (Computer vision) Medical computer vision Search engines (Natural language processing, computer vision) Computer games (Planning, Path searching etc.) "Smart" weapons Customer service chatterbots Healthcare services Nanotechnology
Progress and Economic Growth Intelligent machines are “hollowing out” the economy Some jobs are being lost to automation Boston Dynamics has made a robot , called Atlas Robot, that walks like a human over obstacles The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS), also known as Canadarm (Canadarm 1), is a robotic arm that was used on the Space Shuttle orbiters
Educational Programs and Certifications At Stanford University, the Artificial Intelligence Graduate Certificate is offered Coursework available in areas such as robotics, vision, natural language processing or machine learning
Communication with Experts Many experts are professors that work at universities They have their own e-mails and phone numbers posted on the university website
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