Evan Siemann for Faculty Senate 11/16/16 Academic Analytics Evan Siemann for Faculty Senate 11/16/16
What is Academic Analytics? The NRC provided doctoral program rankings 1982 & 1995 most recently in 2010 using data collected in 2006/2007 for instance publications were 2001-2006 criticized for time delay, ranges of rankings, and data quality Academic Analytics is a company established in 2005 that provides academic data following the NRC guidance on metrics for different disciplines has become a commonly used resource for benchmarking faculty scholarship http://www.academicanalytics.com/
How have AA data been used at Rice? People who have access if they choose: Dept. chairs (to their department) Deans (to their school) Central units Provost (incl. VPR, VPAA, GPS), Office Inst. Research Program / department reviews Helpful in benchmarking to other universities Currently is used in most department reviews Impact of hires (especially senior ones) Not used for assessment of the performance of individual faculty Because we have much better data about our own faculty when it is not critical to benchmark them to peers Especially now that FARIS is implemented
Weight Schemes –primarily from NRC 2010 survey of universities (relative importance of different scholarly activities)
not part of Biological Sciences weight scheme AWARDS: Includes 5,725 honorific awards from 845 governing societies with 4,469 awards from 736 societies represented in the comparative database. They are weighted differently depending on award. Includes grants from 13 federal agencies and 2 non-federal funding sources (American Heart Association; American Cancer Society) [2011-2015] Articles with DOI from ~33,000 titles published 2012-2015 Citations from 2011-2015 of articles published from 2011-2015 [Crossref] Every university has the opportunity to provide information on the list of faculty expected to produce research in 2014 based on their type of appointment GRANTS American Cancer Society (ACS) American Heart Association (AHA) Department of Agriculture (USDA) Department of Commerce (DOC) Department of Defense (DOD) Department of Education (ED) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Transportation (DOT) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) National Science Foundation (NSF) Conference Proceedings Aerospace Engineering | Engineering Applied Mathematics | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Applied Physics | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Astronomy and Astrophysics | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Biomedical Engineering | Engineering Civil Engineering | Engineering Computational Sciences | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Computer and Information Sciences, various | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Computer Engineering | Engineering Computer Science | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Electrical Engineering | Engineering Engineering Mechanics | Engineering Engineering, General | Engineering Engineering, various | Engineering Environmental Engineering | Engineering Geological and Mining Engineering | Engineering Industrial Engineering | Engineering Information Science/Studies | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Information Technology/Information Systems | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Management Information Systems | Business Materials Engineering | Engineering Materials Science and Engineering | Engineering Mechanical Engineering | Engineering Nuclear Engineering | Engineering Operations Research | Engineering Physics, General | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Systems Engineering | Engineering BOOKS: published or republished [2006-2015] – list from Baker & Taylor, The British Library, and AA assembly CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: data collected directly from publishers for selected disciplines [2012-2015] not part of Biological Sciences weight scheme
Data characteristics This is not an attempt to reproduce my cv limited time e.g. only recent publications and only citations of recent publications limited scope e.g. no industry contracts Only captures research activity But data are assembled in exactly the same way for faculty at all US PhD granting institutions objective, consistent data that allow relative ranking of scholarship only one source of information for making strategic decisions at Rice (never the only one) but a helpful one for objective comparisons to peers
Program Productivity
Program Productivity (and by weighting these following NRC scheme, can also produce an overall numerical ranking [in this case 9/72], percentile ranking [89th], or index score [+0.5]) AAU