Change the crowded slides – need to add animation -
Welcome to Mrs. DeLaCruz’s Class! Autobiographical Narrative Who is Mrs. DeLaCruz? This is my eleventh year of teaching. Before becoming a teacher, I was in the service industry working as a waitress pursuing an acting career. Eventually I realized I was not passionate about acting, so I switched my major to focus on writing. I was interested in creative writing, but decided to pursue a career in advertising and keep writing as a hobby. My career was going well in advertising, but I kept fantasizing about becoming a teacher, so eventually I quit and found my calling. Even though I haven’t always taught, it’s where I always feel most comfortable and most satisfied. I love being a teacher and I love working with my students.
This is my 13th year of teaching English. I currently teach all ENG IV classes. I used to work in advertising, but I would fantasize about teaching and having my own classroom. I recognize that I can’t always make a difference in every life, but I can always try. I love teaching and I enjoy my job. I genuinely like my students. My philosophy: “…if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein
Objectives & Expectations Are students learning anything of value? I used to inform students about what I was teaching, but at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter if they aren’t learning, so now my focus is on making sure they are learning, and trying to keep the lessons relevant (while maintaining the district-mandated curriculum).
2nd year of new textbooks (AP prep) We will be working on all of the traditional academic tasks – writing essays, reading classic literature like Othello and Brave New World, and practicing grammar. We will also be working on real world skills like dissecting a non-fiction internet article (searching for bias, author intent, persuasion tactics, etc.) and preparing for the professional workplace. Students will also practice working on teams to manage a variety of class projects.
NO BUMPING GRADES! I do not alter grades unless I make a mistake. If a student receives a 59.99%, he/she has earned an F. I will not “bump” the grade to a 60%. Students are expected to EARN at least a D- to qualify for graduation. This is true for all scores (79.99% = C+).
Parent & Student Access The website is live with all handouts and PowerPoint presentations updated regularly.
Is students are missing work, they can go to the website and print out handouts for current and past assignments. There is a late work deadline every quarter, which will be announced and posted. All late work is worth 50%.
Example of a handout. I recommend printing these out on Friday before students head out to have fun if they have any missing work.
Parent & Student Access Aeries Attendance & Grades Online Make sure you sign up to get automatic e-mails with grade updates!
Missing assignments are in red Missing assignments are in red. Missing assignments = low grades in my class.
Red is not good.
A lot of red is very bad. Students need to turn their work in if they want to pass my class. All students must pass English every year to graduate.
Late Work Policy Missing/Late work will be accepted during the current quarter for 50%. Adequate time will be given for all assignments; however, students will need to use time-management strategies to plan appropriately. No work will be accepted after the late work deadline, which will be announced toward the end of each quarter.
Parent & Student Access Remind App Text : @6628d2 to 81010