RFID TECHNOLOGY AT MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: A CASE STUDY Dr. Shaini Gopinath. A Librarian, School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University
Introduction Universities being the centers of higher learning serve as natural home of research. The successful implementation of the academic programmes of a university mostly depends on the effectiveness of the library and information services. In the present information technology environment the very concept of services provided by academic and university libraries have changed and the libraries are compelled to adopt the new technologies to cater to the changing information needs of the users and to extend state-of-the-art services.
… introduction In the modern era of electronic age we are facing different sort of problems in handling our libraries work in an easy and authentic manner. RFID technology is best solution for securing our library resources and handling all our routine works of libraries. The main aim for today’s libraries in adopting RFID is to improve library operations by increasing the efficiency of library transactions, reducing workplace injuries and improving services for library users. It helps the librarian in providing the users with optimum utilization of available resources.
M G University Library, Kottayam, Kerala Established in 1989. Fully automated using KOHA. Digital Archive with the full text of theses awarded by University. Collection of about 61310 books, 284 print journals,1500 e journals, 2500 + e books also access to many databases. The library has 2367 digitally archived doctoral theses from various disciplines. Graduate Membership programme opening the doors to the public who are graduates in any field. Recently the Library implemented RFID.
Library Automation The Library resources materials have been computerized by using KOHA software. RFID technology introduced in our library on 15.02.2017.
Scope of the study The scope of the study is limited to the research scholars of M G U to examine… The use of RFID system and the problems faced by the research scholars in the library during the charging and discharging of the books.
Objectives of the Study To access awareness about RFID technology by the research scholars. To identify the benefits of RFID technology in comparative to the previous system. To evaluate the usage of RFID technology in M G University Library. To know the satisfaction level and problems faced by the research scholars at the time of charging and discharging. To know the user awareness provided by the library and to find out impact of RFID technologies on libraries.
Research Design Questionnaire was used for the data collection Sample consists of the Science Research Scholars of MGU
Awareness about RFID
Awareness about RFID working
User Orientation about RFID
RFID Issue/Return
Comparison with earlier system
Time saving
Awareness about Self check in/checkout
Reduce book theft
Satisfaction level
Conclusion Library being the heart of education, quality of education is impossible without a quality . Mahatma Gandhi University Library is the first university library in Kerala to implement the RFID system. The various analyses in this study make it clear that the research scholars are satisfied and provides benefit to them at a certain cost rather than previous system.
… Conclusion Based on the findings it is suggested that even though the location of the system is console that provides independent operation book drops needed outside the library since users can drop books even if the library is closed which make much more convenient for users. Hence the study can be concluded that research scholars of Mahatma Gandhi University not only make out the RFID system as a beneficial system but also gain positive experience in using it and have a positive attitude towards the implementation of the system in the University Library Further the university libraries need to conduct effective training and user awareness programmes at regular intervals.