Fill in the table dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát Present - přítomnost Past - minulost dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát took spát sleep snít dreamt buy bought prodat sold
Fill in the table 2 řezat, stříhat put read swim běžet drink cut cut Present - přítomnost Past - minulost řezat, stříhat put read swim běžet drink cut cut položit put číst read plavat swam run ran pít drank
Put the sentences in the past Where is the past? Present - přítomnost Past - minulost Do you like skiing? Did you like skiing? I don´t cook. I didn´t cook. Does he sleep in bed? Did he sleep in bed? I am in a small village. I was in a small village. They leave school. They left school. She dreams of new jacket. She dreamt of new jacket.
Put the sentences in the past Does he choose new shoes? Where is the past? Present - přítomnost Past - minulost What do you read? What did you read? She give me a kiss. She gave me a kiss. Does he choose new shoes? Did he choose new shoes? I meet my friend. I met my friend. We go to the shop. We went to the shop. Where do they skate? Where did they skate?
Find eighteen irregular verbs. M A D E W L F A T R O P T S C U C S H N G K O V H L WHAT CAME OUT: AT SCHOOL Your task: Make a mind map about school.