Trade and the Environment Is trade a good or a bad think in general?
World Trade Organization Established in 1995 Successor of the General Agreement of Trades and Tariffs (GATT, 1947) Reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers Dispute settlement panel Doha Round (2001)
Prominent Trade and Environment Cases
US vs.Mexico (The Tuna Dolphin Case) US bans Mexican tuna imports: 1989 Pelly Amendment to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 GATT rules US ban illegal Consumer campaign for “dolphin safe tuna” Mexico did not push its GATT victory through ratification by the GATT Council
Shrimp Turtle Case -Congress banned importation of shrimp caught by foreign shrimpers who don't use Turtle Excluder Devices -India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand filed a complaint against the United States in 1996 -The WTO rules in 1998 against the United States -WTO rules in 2001 in favor of US against Malaysia
WTO Meeting In Seattle 1999 The symbol of anti-globalization movement;
Source: Erwin 2003
Trade and Environment Conflict Pro-trade -part of comparative advantage; -against imposition of values (imperialism) -no race to the bottom? -technology diffusion; -Efficiency -increase in income Against trade -undermines unilateral environmentalism and governance; -race to the bottom incentives; -detrimental to local small sale operations; -does not internalize environmental costs; -subsidies -transportation -consumption
How do we know what is the ACTUAL effect of trade on the environment?