Our New GEF supported project: Enhancing the System for Land Based Emissions Estimation in Kenya to Meet the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement and share best practices in the East Africa Region By: Mr. Adegu David Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources Kenya adegubuluku@ gmail.com
INTRODUCTION The government of Kenya has been implementing System for Land- Based Emissions Estimation (SLEEK) in Kenya with financial support from Government of Australia. Clinton Climate Initiative offered technical support for 3 years up to April 30th, 2016. SLEEK is a tier 3 system for estimating emissions and removals form the land sector in Kenya The financing period is coming to an end and we have prepared SLEEK improvement plan into the future.
SLEEK summary SLEEK is driven by five data pillars (i) climate, (ii) soils, (iii) forest, (iv) crops, and (v) land cover change maps. These datasets are provided by various Government institutions. Underpinning SLEEK is the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), which combines remote sensing data with ground data to estimate fluxes in emissions due to land-use change. Fifteen government institutions collect, analyse and update scientific climate change data sets (climate, soil carbon, tree and crop growth, grassland and land cover data) and calibrate models to be used in the FLINT.
NEW GEF SUPPORTED PROJECT Project Objective: To enhance the SLEEK system in Kenya to ensure Compliance with the Paris Agreement Transparency Requirements. Total Project Cost USD 1,050,000
PROJECT COMPONENTS Vital Signs Kenya and Ministry of Environment and Natural resources saw a window in GEF and submitted a proposal based on SLEEK improvement plan. The new project has 3 components:- Strengthening national institutions for transparency-related activities System Enhancements to assist with improvement of transparency over time Regional Capacity Building
EXPECTED OUTPUTS Project Outputs MRV system institutionalized in the government operating structure Data sharing protocols developed and adopted by participating institutions Reliable, accurate & credible reports generated for UNFCCC & used by decision makers in Kenya & other stakeholders Tools developed based on SLEEK data to inform decisions/interventions
PROGRESS We are in the process of developing a prodoc and submit to GEF secretariat for consideration The deadline for submission is towards the end of June 2017 A consultant has been identified and has drafted his work plan on delivery of the prodoc There is also a schedule of stakeholder engagement on the project development
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