Current Position of Renewables In India Design of Renewable Energy Systems Current Position of Renewables In India Presented by, ADINATH JAIN Assistant Professor Dept. of EEE RVCE, Bangalore
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Programme/ Scheme wise Physical Progress in 2017-18 & cumulative up to the month of June, 2017 Sector FY- 2017-18 Cumulative Achievements Target Achievement (April - March, 2018) (as on 30.06.2017) I. GRID-INTERACTIVE POWER (CAPACITIES IN MW) Wind Power 4000 228.4 32508.17 Solar Power 10000 825.99 13114.82 Small Hydro Power 200 4.7 4384.55 BioPower (Biomass & Gasification and Bagasse Cogeneration) # 340 8181.7 Waste to Power 10 114.08 Total 14550 1059.09 58303.32
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Programme/ Scheme wise Physical Progress in 2017-18 & cumulative up to the month of June, 2017 Sector FY- 2017-18 Cumulative Achievements Target Achievement (April - March, 2018) (as on 30.06.2017) II. OFF-GRID/ CAPTIVE POWER (CAPACITIES IN MWEQ) Waste to Energy 15 2.2 173.29 Biomass(non-bagasse) Cogeneration 60 651.91 Biomass Gasifiers 7.5 161.45 Aero-Genrators/Hybrid systems 0.5 3.15 SPV Systems 100 40.34 502.88 Total 183 42.54 1492.68
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Programme/ Scheme wise Physical Progress in 2017-18 & cumulative up to the month of June, 2017 Sector FY- 2017-18 Cumulative Achievements Target Achievement (April - March, 2018) (as on 30.06.2017) III. OTHER RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS Family Biogas Plants (in Lakhs) 1.1 49.56* Water Mills / Micro Hydel (Nos.) 150/25 2690/72