Welcome Back! Classroom Expectations/Procedures Ms. Moseley
Procedures Agenda/Classroom Class Library Procedures Discipline Entering In class Dismissal Class Library Procedures Discipline Bathroom Library Lunch
Classroom: Entering Come in quietly, get classwork from your box, and sit down Take your agenda out of your binder, and open it to today’s date. Write down agenda message Begin CATS If you need to sharpen your pencil, now is the time
Daily Expectations COME TO CLASS PREPARED Includes: Having paper Bringing several pencils or pens to class AR books PARTICIPATE IN CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS Raising your hand when you don’t understand Adding useful comments to continue the conversation
Daily Expectations READ ALOUD WHEN CALLED UPON Includes: Reading when I call on you Reading when a peer calls on you TURN IN ALL CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS Complete and turn in in-class assignments Make sure you have your NAME, DATE, PERIOD, and SUBJECT on your assignments! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR GRADES!!!!!!!
Agenda Remove your agenda from your binder Open to today’s date Leave it open and flat on your desk I will sign your agenda Your agenda will remain on your desk the entire period unless I ask you to remove it If there is a note from your parent that I overlook, please raise your hand and let me know.
Inside Voices At no point should you yell during class or in the hallways. Some of you may have louder voices than others, and once you have been warned you will receive an consequence for each time thereafter.
Classroom: In-class You will need multiple pencils or pens to write with. Remain in your seat at all times unless you have permission to get up. Raise your hand to speak, please do not blurt out!
Classroom: In-Class Cont. Be prepared for the day’s class: having pencils, pens, paper, AR Books, and any other class materials. During any test (Fluency tests, Aimswebb, quiz, test, or AR tests) you will be quiet and respectful so each individual has the opportunity to do their best. Turning in work – pass your papers forward when asked. I will collect them and place them in the correct place.
Teacher Areas Students should not be at the following areas without permission: Teacher’s Computer/Desk Closet LCD Projector Wall Controls, Remote, Speaker Unit
Syllabus Review Syllabus Where to locate it Classwork – 45% (includes scavenger hunts, graphic organizers, power point presentations, etc.) Student usually will have at least 3 graded classwork assignments per week. Assessments - 30% (includes AR tests, stem/root word tests, vocabulary builders, CDA assessments, quizzes, etc). All tests are announced 1 week in advance. AR tests are announced 3 weeks in advance. There will be 4 CDA assessments, one per 9 weeks. Homework- 15%: reading log, any take home assignments CATS/Participation – 10%: class activity to start/ ( possible online activities, active participation, re-alouds, signature notes, having AR book, etc.) Participation opportunities occur daily and are based on the following but not limited to: Contributing to class discussions Listening quietly and respectfully while others are speaking Prepared with the required materials Cooperation when working in small groups Following class rules
Class Library Procedures At no time should you be without an AR book. You CAN always check a book out from my class library. Locate a book (know where you got your book from) and fill out the clipboard with the appropriate information that it asks for. When you finish the book or pay off your fine, return the book and fill the appropriate information next to your name on the clipboard. Then return the book to the shelf where you got it from.
Student Name Title and book # Date Checked Out Date Checked In
Discipline The consequence given will depend on the level of the offense. Verbal Warning Silent Lunch At home detention At school detention Office referral
Agenda Consequences The first time a student does not have their agenda and receives a one-day agenda slip, a silent lunch will be issued. The second time a student does not have their agenda and receives a one-day agenda slip, an at-home detention will be issued. The third time a student does not have their agenda and receives a one-day agenda slip, an at-school detention will be issued. The fourth time a student does not have their agenda and receives a one-day agenda slip, the student will receive an office referral.
Classroom: Dismissal The bell does not dismiss you. I will let you know when to pack up your things. If we are in the middle of instruction, wait until I ask you to get your things together. I will let you know which row will leave first.
Bathroom Please try and use the bathroom when you are in the pod. Try and go to the restroom before you come into my class.
Library We will go to the library multiple times during the year for AR tests, book fairs, and Aimswebb Testing You will show respect for the library staff. You will remain quiet and working at all times. You will clean up after yourselves and make sure you push in your chairs. Do not place books randomly around the library, if you do not remember where you got a book, please put it in the book return area.
Lunch You will line up quietly when I ask you to. You will be quiet in the hallway to and from lunch. You will go to the restroom during lunch, do not ask when we come back. The answer will be “no.” You will have a seating arrangement until I decide otherwise. Make sure you clean up your area (on the table and on the floor)
Bus Dismissal Call for 6th grade academy. Then, Mr. Graham will call for all boys. Then, Mr. Graham will call for all girls.
Codes Review Code Green Code Blue Code Red Code Yellow