Welcome to Eagleview RTI Reading & Math
All About Me Joy Hall Elementary Teacher - 25 years Columbia School District - 15 years Contact Information: hall.joy@columbia4.org 618-281-4995 ext. 4005
Supporting Teachers and Staff Tier 2 Reading: Jen Welker- RTI Assistant Classroom Teachers Tier 2 Math: Jen Welker Tier 3 Reading: Joy Hall-First Grade Jen Welker-Kindergarten
Response To Intervention What is RTI? Response To Intervention A multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning needs.
How was my child selected for Tier 2 intervention? Benchmark AIMSweb assessment scores- AIMSweb is a form of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) used for universal screening and progress monitoring. This form of brief assessment measures overall performance of key foundational skills at each grade level and draws upon over thirty years of scientific research. Teacher Recommendation- Ongoing throughout the school year, based upon data collection and classroom performance
AIMSweb Assessments Kindergarten: Letter Naming Fluency, Letter Sound Fluency, Oral Counting, Number Naming Fluency (0-10) First Grade: Text Reading Fluency, Nonsense Word Fluency Math Computation (+/- mixed, 8 minutes timed)
Tier 2 Interventions-small group Kindergarten Reading and Math: Research-based, multisensory lessons First Grade Reading and Math: Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy
F L I G H T Foundations of Literacy Igniting Growth and Higher-level Thinking Every first grade classroom has a designated 30 minute block during the day for leveled reading groups. The FLIGHT groups meet Monday-Thursday and receive on-level reading and writing instruction in small group settings.
Tier 3 - 1-2 students to 1 teacher First Grade: Individualized Intervention utilizing Wilson Teaching methods as well as Reading Recovery methods to meet a student’s needs.
Progress Monitoring Progress monitoring is used to assess students' academic performance, to quantify a student rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring can be implemented with individual students or an entire class. First Grade RTI Reading and Math: Every two weeks an AIMSweb assessment is administered for Tier 2 reading fluency and math computation. Tier 3 reading is assessed every week.
SOAR-Monthly team meetings Purpose: To review student progress, analyze data, make recommendation/changes for each student. Team Members Mrs. Becherer, Assistant Principal Ms. Bluell, School Psychologist Mrs. Donald, School Social Worker Classroom Teacher RTI Teachers GOOOOOO TEAM!
How can parents help? Be involved...Be consistent...Be positive (see packet)