Mrs. McMahon’s First Grade Class Welcome!
Contact Information Theresa McMahon 832-375-7041 Conference Period 2:15-3:00 p.m. – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday E-mail Website
Welcome to First Grade! Schedule PE ~ Mon., Weds., & Fri. Music ~ Tues. & Thurs. Lunch 10:56-11:26 Library Tuesday 9:35-10:05 Art Thursday 12:00-12:45
Conduct/Behavior Whole Brain Teaching rules will be used school wide Class Dojo will be used in the classroom & color cards as needed Excellent – Purple or Blue Satisfactory – Green Needs Improvement – Yellow or Orange Unsatisfactory - Red Note, e-mail, or call home as needed Office for continued or severe infractions Small rewards will be given for excellent behavior Class rewards will be given when our marble jar is filled
Homework 15-20 minutes reading each night Reflex Math twice a week Record minutes on Book-It reading log Reading log counts as part of homework grade Reflex Math twice a week Math review pages will be sent home weekly Parent choice whether to have child complete, return only if you need me to review with your child (i.e. you can tell your child doesn’t understand and you don’t understand) Math lessons can be viewed online at Pearson Practice Word Wall Words
Reading Begin the year ~ on-level is Guided Reading level C End the year ~ on-level is Guided Reading level I-J Rubrics (major grade) Weekly reading tests (minor grade) Graded on fluency, comprehension, story elements, author’s purpose, etc. Leveled reading groups Daily 5 Stations Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading
Language Arts Complete sentences Handwriting, punctuation, grammar Following through with one topic Spelling Buddy Spelling process will be taught the first quarter Spelling patterns will be introduced each week No traditional spelling tests will be given; words will be assessed within weekly graded sentences starting the second quarter The spelling pattern and sample words will be listed in the weekly newsletter
Math Addition/Subtraction facts to 20 Representing numbers & counting to 120 (<, >, =) Time (hour and half hour) Identify coins and values; count value to $1.20 Geometric shapes Patterns Place value Fractions Measurement Graphs Story Problems
Science Physical Science – Energy & Forces Earth Science – Rocks, soil, landforms, & Natural Resources Life Science – Plants & Animals
Social Studies Communities & Community Helpers Citizenship Map Skills History Government Long Ago & Today Inventors
Computer Monday and during Daily 5 TATEKS lesson each quarter We will be a pilot class for Keyboarding Without Tears TATEKS lesson each quarter Integrated into Language Arts and other subjects Award Reading Curriculum based activities StudentNet is available from home
Measure of Academic Progress Math & Reading Administered 3 times a year Computer-based assessment Non-graded Math and reading CCA’s will also be given each quarter; major grade
Grading Grades may be viewed online at Skyward Flyer Folders ~ Checkmark indicates folder contains a failing grade Major grades are circled Failing major grades may be retaken after reteaching Extra help will be given to students as needed during Power Hour from 8:15-9:15 a.m.
How can you help at home? Teach your child to tie their shoes Practice with addition and subtraction flashcards Reading daily for fluency and comprehension Practice Word Wall Words Encourage good handwriting and proper letter formation Teach your child to tie their shoes
Friendly Reminders Follow KISD Dress Code Check Wednesday Flyer Folders & S.T.A.R. binder Wear tennis shoes on PE Days Return Flyer folders and library books promptly Send any money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name (put in clear zipper bag) Label your child’s belongings
Contact Information Parent/teacher communication in STAR Binder (Daily) Flyer Folder (Wednesday) Weekly e-mail Newsletters (Please see me if you are not receiving emails.) Parent/Teacher Conference Day November 8 (Election Day) Sign up will be available through Google Forms or SignUp Genius Skyward 2.2 (Previously Parent Connection) With Skyward 2.2, you can: Create an account for yourself as a parent/guardian View current grades View your child's attendance Sign up to receive grade and attendance notification via email Texas curriculum can be found at
2016-17 Class Any questions?
Let’s Have a Great Year!