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That sound was me! Do you know what I am?
called a Nightjar I am a very special bird Photo copyright: Graham Catley
We do not live in Britain all year round We do not live in Britain all year round. We migrate all the way from Africa, arriving here in April or May. Africa Europe Asia Australia South America North America
We are an endangered species, mainly because the kind of habitat that we like has been destroyed. Photo copyright: Graham Catley We like scrubby heathland and areas where there is dead vegetation left on the ground for us to hide in. Greenham Common has areas that are just right for us!
We are ‘CREPUSCULAR’, which means we hunt for food at DAWN and DUSK As you can see, we have brown feathers which help us to be camouflaged on the ground, where we spend most of the day, hiding. Photo copyright: Graham Catley We are ‘CREPUSCULAR’, which means we hunt for food at DAWN and DUSK
We feed on insects and our beaks are well adapted to help us catch them. Can you see them? Photo copyright : Graham Catley Our beaks look small, but can open really wide. Thin, hair-like feathers act like a net, helping us to scoop the insects into our mouths as we fly. Moths are a favourite of ours!
We do not really make a nest, we just clear a small area on the ground amongst dead leaves and vegetation, where we are well camouflaged. Photo copyright: Graham Catley We usually lay just two eggs in May and sometimes lay more later in the year.
We need your HELP!
DOGS! Every year, we migrate back to Greenham Common to try and breed. The problem we have is . . . DOGS! At certain times of the year, dog owners are asked to keep their dogs on a lead as otherwise, they race about, trample our nests and frighten us away. But most people ignore this . . . Photo copyright : Graham Catley
Because so many people just let their dogs run all over the place, we are frightened away and do not lay eggs, or sometimes we are so scared we leave our chicks, which will soon die without us. Photo copyright : Graham Catley Maybe you can help . . .
Can you design a poster or a leaflet to help people learn about us and to explain why it is important to keep their dogs on a lead in the breeding season (from 1st March to 30th June)? We are not the only ground nesting birds on Greenham Common! Other birds get frightened too and many nests and eggs are destroyed. We are sure that if people understood more about us, then they would not mind keeping their dogs on a lead when they are near to where we breed. Thank you!
To find out more about us, see more pictures and watch a movie, click on my pictures: See some more photos See a movie