Health Care Policy Issues Chapter 10 Health Care Policy Issues
Policy Defined Course of action developed to deal with a concern Guidelines for directing behavior Reflect values and beliefs of people setting the policy
Types of Policy Social Health Regulatory policies Allocative policies
Regulations Guidelines written by governments that clearly explain how a law is implemented Ex: Americans with Disabilities Act (PL101- 336) enacted in 1994
Systematic Approach to Health Improvement
Health and Health Policy Health determinants Biology and genetics Environment (physical, socio-economic, and cultural) Lifestyle choices and behaviors Availability of health related information and services
How Policies Are Made Stakeholders Issue at hand Advocacy Lobbyists
Types of Policy Rational Incrementalist Stage sequential
Lomas Model
Longest Model
Health Policy and Finance Implications for: Medicare Medicaid State Children’s Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP) Military insurance Social Security
Big Issues Affecting Policy in the United States Cost Quality Access
Healthy People 2010 Federal, state, and local implications for health care and other social policies
Table 10-3: Leading Health Indicators for the United States Physical activity Overweight and obesity Tobacco use Substance abuse Responsible sexual behavior
Table 10-3: Leading Health Indicators for the United States Mental Health Injury and Violence Environmental Quality Immunization Access to Health Care