December 2011 Updates: Trip to Canberra Day 1 Part 2
There are many little farmhouses, wineries and lots of bushland on the road to Canberra
but also sheep, goats and horses We saw a lot of cows, but also sheep, goats and horses
The weather was lovely, both for driving and wind gliding...
We saw enormous wind turbines
At last we crossed from NSW to ACT and reached Canberra, right on time as the passengers were starting to lose patience... Hahgoot got motion sickness and kept moaning about a tummy ache the whole ride.
Canberra is the cleanest city I’ve ever been to, and always eerily empty from people. We were all very happy to see the Crowne Plaza hotel soon after entering the city.
Our hotel room was lovely, and included two large comfy beds and a cot.
This helped a lot to balance her after a long day exploring. After freshening up we headed down to the reception area, to what will become Hahgoot’s favourite spot: on the bean bags, in front of the TV, with Joofy and her weighted vest. This helped a lot to balance her after a long day exploring.
Alma got over the resting part after about two minutes and headed off to explore the rest of the reception area enthusiastically.
We had dinner at the hotel’s expensive restaurant (courtesy of Barak’s work,) which provided the girls with great worksheet kits, with a Christmas theme. Alma is playing with a box of Korean chocolates she got from a nice Dutch lady at the reception area.
The food was lovely but we didn’t really enjoy it in peace as the girls were all over the place and Alma was in one of her loud shrieking moods...
In our next presentation: Fun at the Questacon! When we got back to the room Alma was out in a flash and Hahgoot had a bath on her own. Hahgoot did not cooperate with the night time procedure and despite endless warnings and explanations, started screaming and fidgeting, which woke her sister up, and then it took us till past midnight to calm Alma back to sleep. In our next presentation: Fun at the Questacon!