Sistema Educativo Copan Middle School Spelling Bee 2016
All of you are already GREAT spellers!
Listen carefully when the pronouncer says the word. On this SPELLING BEE, you may only ask the pronouncer these questions before you spell the word:
Can you repeat the word?
S-p-e-l-l Can you give me the definition, please?
You have to spell each letter like: REMEMBER! You have to spell each letter like: roll = r-o-l-l DO NOT say «double l»
Once you start spelling a word, you may stop in the middle and start over. But you can NOT add or change any of the letters you have already spelled.
Get close to the microphone and CLEARLY pronounce the word, spell it, and pronounce the word again j-u-d-g-e
After you spell a word, the judge will show a green sign if the word is correct, in this case, return to your seat If you misspelled the word, the judge will show a red sign, then go sit in the audience
If the pronouncer finishes with the Spelling Bee list of words, the next rounds will be selected from the dictionary
The winners will follow Option A according to The International Rules of The Scripps Howard B; that is with NO ratification of championship
Bee ready! Study hard!...