5.8 Review – The Periodic Table


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Presentation transcript:

5.8 Review – The Periodic Table

Explain how Mendeleev organized the known elements Mendeleev arranged the elements into rows in order of increasing mass so that elements with similar properties were in the same column.

Because Mendeleev’s periodic table had holes in it, what was he able to predict? Mendeleev was able to predict that there was going to be new elements discovered. He needed to leave spaces or “holes” for these undiscovered elements.

How is the current periodic table arranged. a How is the current periodic table arranged? a.) What is the difference between a period and a group/family? The current periodic table is arranged by increasing Atomic Number a.) Period – The horizontal rows on the Periodic Table Group/Family – Vertical columns on the periodic table

Elements in the same _________ have similar chemical properties Groups/families (vertical columns)

There are seven _______ on the periodic table. Periods

The average of all isotopes found in nature. Define Atomic Mass The average of all isotopes found in nature.

Describe the group’s metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Left side of periodic table, good Conductors, solid at room temperature, malleable, ductile NON-METALS Right side of periodic table, poor Conductors, gases or liquid at room temperature, can be reactive or non-reactive METALLOIDS Elements with properties of metals and non-metals.

Define valence electron Electrons in the outside energy level of an atom

Draw a Bohr model for the following: a. Be (Beryllium) b. N (Nitrogen) c. O (Oxygen)

Draw a Draw a dot diagram for the following: a. Be (Beryllium) b. N (Nitrogen) c. O (Oxygen)

Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table. Include characteristics of the group that were given in class. FAMILY THE ALKALI METALS Group 1 (IA) ALKALINE EARTH METALS Group 2 (IIA) TRANSISTION Group (3-12) BORON Group 13 (IIIA) Characteristics 1 Valence Electron Reactive (Top to Bottom) Violent With Water 2 Valence electrons Not as reactive Bridges left and right side Valence electrons vary Metallic Properties 3 Valence electrons

Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table. Include characteristics of the group that were given in class. FAMILY CARBON Group 14 (4A) NITROGEN Group 15 (5A) OXYGEN Group 16 (6A) HALOGEN Group 17 (7A) Characteristics 4 Valence electrons 5 Valence electrons 6 Valence electrons 7 Valence electrons Highly Reactive Non-Metal

Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table Make a table showing the groups of the periodic table. Include characteristics of the group that were given in class. FAMILY NOBLE GASES Group 18 (8A) Characteristics 8 Valence electrons Colorless Odorless Stable

Where is the Lanthanide Series Located? The 2nd to last row on the periodic table

Where is the Actinide Series Located? The last row on the periodic table

 Explain how the trend of density changes as you move down a family of the periodic table. As you move down a column, within family on the periodic table, density tend to increase.

Any Questions??? Good luck on your Quiz!!!!!