Organic farming in the Czech Republic Mgr. Karolína Dytrtová Institute for Ecological Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Management
Czech Republic Central Europe area 78 866 km² (water 2%) population 10 306 709 continental climate temperature differences 3.1 million ha of arable land share of workers in the primary economic sector (agriculture, forestry and fishery) – 4,3%
Agriculture mountain and submountain area with forests and permanent grasslands Livestock production: mainly cattle (for milk and meat), as well as pigs and poultry. There is a very large network of breeding ponds with carp production – carp is a traditional Czech Christmas Eve dish.
Agriculture lowlands with arable land
Main crops all main kinds of grain (wheat, barley, rye, oat and corn), white beet for sugar production, potatoes, rape, poppy, hops …..
Conventional agriculture – high inputs
History and Development of Organic Agriculture started in 1989 with 2 organic farms 1989 to 2002 there was a strong growth of the organic land 1990: 4 organic farmers' associations were founded Ministry of Agriculture supported all new organic farmers through direct subsidies per hectare. 1993 :first regulation on organic agriculture, and the certification and control system was started + organic sector decided to have common "BIO" logo. 2000: first national organic legislation 2000: CR on the list of third countries 2004: Action plam for OF to 2010 2006: rapid grow – agro-envi subsidy
Organic Statistics No. of organic farmers: 1776, this year 448 Organic land area: 7,84% of total agricultural area (the aim is 10% by 2010) No. of manufacturers: 375 No. of organic food products: app. 4 000 60% imported
Structure of organically farmed land area
The size of organic enterprises in the Czech Rep.
Regions of the Czech Republic
Number of organic farms and % share in regions
Organic farm area and % share in regions
Employment at organic enterprises
RDP support Preferential point allowance for OF Axis I – Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector I.1.1 Modernization of agricultural holdings I.1.3 Adding value to agricultural and food products I.3.2 Setting up of young farmers Axis III – The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy III.1.1. Diversification into non-agricultural activities III. 1.3 Encouragement of tourism activities Preferential point allowance for OF
Legislation applicable to organic farming Council Regulation (EC) No .834/2007 National legislation - Act No. 242/2000 Coll. Private standards: Production Directive of the PRO-BIO Association
Control bodies and certification 3 Independent Certification and control bodies
Organic Food Consumption 0,2% of total food consumption* € 1.75 per person/year Mainly in large and middle size cities Women with higher education, aged 25 – 44 3% consumers buy OF regularly 26% buy occasionally 54% know organic food label * Source Green marketing