Aesthetic Rhinoplasty 陈荟宇 10301010100 刘丹丹10301010098
2 1 3 Let's start! Aesthetic Rhinoplasty GOSSIP TIME
Character introduction Polly Medicine student in Fudan University Character introduction Denice Art student in Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Story happens
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Normal Nasal Anatomy
Hump Reduction(驼峰消除术) Lowering the dorsal aspect of the septum(鼻中隔) with a scalpel Separation of soft tissue from the nasal dorsum(鼻背) Rasping the nasal bone
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Nasal Augmentation(隆鼻术) Alloplasts Plastic Polyethylene(聚乙烯) Silicone Autografts Bone Calvarium Rib Cartilage Conchal cartilage Costal cartilage Septal cartilage Making a wide-tip pocket Inserting the implant through marginal incision Shaping the implant
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Alar Wedge Excisions(鼻翼切除术) 加上杨幂的图 Reduction in floor width eventuating from excising a wedge form the floor(基部) Reduction in alar flare eventuating from medial medial movement of the rim(边缘) Lowering the dorsal aspect of the septum with a scalpel
Risks of Rhinoplasty
Bleeding,injury or holes to your septum Infection,serious nasal blockage Skin problems Anesthesia
Nasal Class Nasal Class II. The Greek nose Nasal Class I. The Roman nose. Nasal Class III. The African nose Nasal Class IV. The Hawk nose Nasal Class V. The Snub nose.
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