Unplowed Ground
• First, look back. • Second, look around. • Third, look ahead.
You can’t get to where you need to go until you know where you are; and you cannot know where you are until you know where you’ve been.
How we know that we can trust God today, and tomorrow, is to remember all that God has done in the past.
Hosea 12 12 “Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.”
We must “break up the unplowed ground” of our heart.
The condition of our heart determines our growth, our fruitfulness and even the eventual blessing of God.
Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
“Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be Deuteronomy 10:16 “Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer.”
“It is time to seek the Lord”
To seek God in prayer is an earnest, continual perseverance birthed from a deep hunger and drive to quest after and discover who God is and what He wants to do in and through me.
Hosea 10:12 ”until He comes……”
and showers righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12 “……..until he comes and showers righteousness on you.”
PSalm 72:6 “He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth.”
Psalm 17:6 “I call on you, O’ God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.”