Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Damien Cole - Integrated Working Strategic Lead, Children’s Services Angela Allgood – MASH Regional Advisor, Met Police
Background Police lead initiative Local Authority delivery Purpose – To Improve the way that local safeguarding partnerships deal with child protection referrals, bringing a range of partners together into a single multi-agency safeguarding hub to share information quickly and efficiently.
National Picture MASH’s being implemented across England Pan London MASH Operational Steering Group 11/32 London LA’s currently ‘live’ (as of June ‘13). Learning todate - Positives/Negatives (Police perspective)
Evolution Duty Triage MASH
Local implementation approach 3 phases of implementation start June 2013 Official launch October 2013 Pathways in and out of MASH + documentation Stakeholder engagement Procurement of a MASH IT system Training and communication
Local implementation todate Premises secured, MASH office designed. Pre-MASH screening pathway designed and implemented – June 2013 Co located partners identified and some in place Single Points of Contact (SPOC) identified
MASH participation Co located partners (confirmed): Social Care MASH officers Police Public Protection Desk Police Missing Persons Officer Health representative Education/Targeted Support Liaison Probation
MASH participation SPOC’s (confirmed): Housing Youth Offending Service IDSVAS (Domestic Violence service) Adult Mental Health Neighbourhood Crime Reduction
Information Sharing - security Pre-MASH screening (all contacts) Interface with Tier 2 or Tier 3 – statutory assessment MASH
Areas to be aware of Purpose and impact of a MASH Comprehensive multi agency risk assessment Reactive, not preventative Intelligence led decision making Cases will step up into Social Care based on more information/assessment. Cases will be safely stepped down to Tier 1&2, with more information/assessment.
Areas to be aware of cont. Performance around timeliness of assessments Reduction in cases ‘bouncing’ up and down across Tier 1/2 and 3. Reduction in the number of Statutory Assessments not progressing to CiN/CP/LAC etc. Greater partnership working Greater partnership awareness of thresholds
Areas to be aware of cont.. Will intro of MASH increase the number of referral? Partnership buy in. Information sharing and recording.