Revelation Part 4 Lesson 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Revelation Part 4 Lesson 5

Babylon in Revelation Is Babylon a literal city? Rev. 17:3-5, 18 “The the great city” 1st mention: Rev. 14:8 “fallen, fallen” Describe Babylon: Immoral Anti-God Lustful, harlot, blasphemous Connected with the dragon Powerful, world power in the middle east Rev. 16:19 7th bowl of wrath is poured out on her Timeline: Rev. 17-18 7th bowl

Babylon and the beast Anti-Christ arises from among 10 kings Babylon/prostitute/woman rides ON the beast Babylon is carried by what the beast does as the world ruler Rev. 17:18 She reigns OVER the kings of the earth Beast is demonic Rev. 18:2 Babylon is filled with demonic activity Rev. 18:7 Torment and mourning are her destiny Rev. 18:7 Proud Rev. 18:8 She will be burned up with fire Babylon is the great city of the beast’s kingdom

Babylon and the beast Rev. 18:24 She hates the saints, prophets, apostles Rev. 18:20 Judged by God, who is strong Rev. 18:23 She is a deceiver “sorcery”: pharmakeia – magic, the use of medicine, drugs or spells, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it: the deception and seductions of idolatry Only 2 occurrences in Scripture: Gal. 5:19-20 and Rev. 18 The deeds of the flesh are evident, …….sorcery Mostly connected with worldly riches: pearls, fine linen, spices, gold, silver, precious stones……

Babylon’s Judgment Why? Drunk with the blood of the saints and the witnesses of Jesus Rev. 17:6 She is against the Lamb Rev. 17:14 She is demonic therefore Anti-God Rev. 18:2 She is immoral Rev. 18:3 How? Rev. 17:16 Beast and kings will hate her and make her desolate, naked, eat her flesh and burn her Rev. 18:5 God remembers her iniquities Rev. 18:8-10, 21 With plagues of pestilence, mourning, famine, fire, abandonment and violence

Timeline 6th Bowl: Kings of the earth gather for war against God Rev. 16:14-16 7th Bowl: The beast and 10 kings go against Babylon Rev. 16:17 through Rev. 17 and 18 Beast says he is God and the world worships him Mark 13:14 God begins pouring out His wrath on the beast’s kingdom and the beast turns against Babylon Revelation 17 and 18 says Babylon’s fall takes place in one hour, one day (17:12; 18:17)

Jerusalem Is Jerusalem a literal city? Rev. 11:2 The holy city will be tread under foot for 42 months Rev. 11:8 Two witnesses are killed inside it Rev. 11:8 Jesus was crucified in it Rev. 11:13 One tenth of the city fell in an earthquake The beast comes to his ultimate power INSIDE this city Rev. 11:7 He KILLS the 2 witnesses He takes his seat in the temple and declares himself to be God

Jerusalem There will be nothing holy about Jerusalem during the last 3 ½ years Timeline: End of the 6th trumpet, beginning of the 7th Rev. 14:20 “Outside the city” The wine press of God’s wrath was trodden outside the city – blood Rev. 16:19 The great city was split into three parts Rev. 20:9 Beloved city – AFTER the 1,000 years when Satan will deceive the nations and bring them against Jerusalem Rev. 21-22 NEW Jerusalem – God’s dwelling place Jerusalem = Bride Babylon = Prostitute

Application How does all of this pertain to you? Why is it important that you know about Babylon and Jerusalem and that they are LITERAL cities? What are YOU to do with all of this? Fear? Become a recluse? Warn others? Make everything fit into YOUR timeline? “Let the reader understand……” Remember WHO your God is By faith, by trust, by walking daily in His presence we fulfill HIS purpose in us, whatever that may be