How To Be Forgiving Colossians 3:12-13.


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Presentation transcript:

How To Be Forgiving Colossians 3:12-13

Joseph Was Forgiving When he revealed himself to his brothers Genesis 45:1-15 After his father died Genesis 50:15-21

Why Was Joseph Forgiving? God was the center of his life His reason for not sinning Genesis 39:7-9 Gave God the credit Genesis 41:15-16 How does this make us more forgiving? Remember God has forgiven us Don’t put ourselves in place of God Genesis 50:19 Reminds us that world doesn’t revolve around us Genesis 45:5

Why Was Joseph Forgiving? God was the center of his life God was with Joseph In Joseph’s toughest hours Genesis 39:2; 21 God will give strength to forgive Php. 4:13

Why Was Joseph Forgiving? God was the center of his life God was with Joseph Joseph could see God’s hand in his life He knew God was in control Gen. 45:5, 7, 8 God does work in our lives Matthew 7:7-11

Why Was Joseph Forgiving? God was the center of his life God was with Joseph Joseph could see God’s hand in his life He truly loved his brothers Love is bond of perfection Colossians 3:14 To love means to forgive 1 Corinthians13:4-7

How Did Joseph Show Forgiveness? He didn’t recount all the grief Gen. 45:8 Expressed his love Genesis 45:14-15 Comforted them Genesis 45:4-5; 50:19-20 God expects it 2 Cor. 1:3-4; 2:6-7 Put his words into action Genesis 50:21 Treated them like brethren

Conclusion Joseph shows us how to forgive Joseph shows us how to be Christ-like We all need to be more forgiving, because we all need forgiveness