Joseph - Review Was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt Consequences of favoritism in the family He was a good steward and earned respect Honesty, kindness, hard work Prov. 3:4 He did not yield to temptation to commit adultery Avoid being alone with the opposite sex Thus he was falsely accused and imprisoned He earned respect and trust in prison He interpreted dreams for the royal baker and butler, which happened exactly as he said Revelation comes from God; give Him glory
Joseph - Review Pharaoh had dreams & he interpreted them He became Pharaoh’s royal vizier All things work together for good Romans 8:28 His brothers came to Egypt for grain He tested their character in several ways People can change Romans 12:2; 1 Cor. 6:9-11 He revealed himself to them and invited the family to live in Egypt We must for forgive others Mark 11:25-26 We must forgive ourselves 1 John 4:16; 1:8-10
Joseph, Part 2 Given the land of Goshen; told the truth about their occupation Gen. 46:31-47:6 Honesty is the best policy Rev. 21:8 Jacob blessed Pharaoh Gen. 47:10 ; Heb. 7:7 Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons Gen. 48 God exceeds our expectations Ephesians 3:20 Brothers claim Jacob asked them to ask Joseph to forgive them Gen. 50:15-21 God forgives Mark 2:5-11 Prepared for future Gen. 50:22-25 Heb. 11:22