Calibration CSL Monitor Topics Archiving of log files in CSL nodes Making Calibration CSL Monitor University of Tsukuba Hideki YAMAZAKI 25,July 2007 @CSL operation meeting
Archiving of log files in CSL nodes Making Perl script for archiving Preparation of Perl script for logger nodes and receiver nodes. Test the script on each spare node. →successful! Test the script on part of node which are taking data. →successful! Present status I prepared two Perl scripts to archive log files monthly: csl_logger.cron,csl_receicer.cron I have not registered the script yet because many troubles happened on the CSL system recently. II will talk about archiving of Log files at first. I had prepared Perl script for logger node,receiver node. I tested script on each spare nodes.successful Next , I tested script on part of node that take data on CSL system. Registration Perl script to csl_logger.cron,csl_receicer.cron → I have not registered the script because trouble happened on CSL system recently.
Making Calibration CSL Monitor Outline Rewrite code of Java Client side. For, Rewrite code of server side.(csl_mon_send.c) → I tried to rewrite code of Java Client side. → I succeeded to update information of nodes on GUI Monitor. Present status Problem I don't have environment for testing to transfer data from Calibration CSL to GUI Monitor.
Prototype GUI Monitor Parts of Updating information of node