Kwangbok Lee Korea University for PHENIX collaboration


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Presentation transcript:

Quarkonia and vector mesons in d+Au collision at forward rapidity in PHENIX Kwangbok Lee Korea University for PHENIX collaboration 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

MotivationⅠ- Quarkonia in A+A state J/y cc U1S U2S U3S mass [GeV] 3.10 3.53 9.46 10.02 10.36 DE [GeV] 0.64 0.20 1.10 0.54 radius [fm] 0.25 0.36 0.14 0.28 0.39 - Each quarkonium has different binding radius. hep-ph/0609197v1 H. Satz Binding of a pair is subject to color screening in QGP. Melting temperatures depend on their binding radius. Temperature of QGP can be estimated or another models like regeneration can be tested. arXiv:0911.4806 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

MotivationⅡ- Quarkonia in d+A RGPb Q2 = 1.69 GeV2 EPS08 EPS09 nDS EKS98 HKN07 1. Cold nuclear matter effect antishadowing - Shadowing model <- Gluon densities in nucleus with different parton distribution functions(PDF) Color Glass Condensate(CGC)/Gluon saturation. Nuclear absorption (Now we are comparing shadowing models to J/y signal) - Initial state parton energy loss - Cronin effect 2. Essential information to understand QGP. shadowing arXiv:0902.4154 Gluon density in different x low x high x 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

PHENIX Muon Arm d Au + South North <y> ~ -1.7, x2 ~ 0.11 - Au South North <y> ~ -1.7, x2 ~ 0.11 Gold going direction <y> ~ 1.7, x2 ~ 0.0035 deuteron going direction thought to be in shadowing region South North The average value of the momentum fraction x2 in the gold nucleus vs. rapidity for √sNN = 200 GeV South North 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

Nuclear modification factors pp dAu (all centralities) (0-20%) (60-88%) Ncoll 1 7.6 ± 0.4 15.1 ± 1.0 3.2 ± 0.2 Ncoll : number of binary collisions, 1 in p+p collision. If there is no nuclear matter effect, RdAu = Rcp = 1 If there is suppression, RdAu , Rcp < 1 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy J/y RdAu Run2003 dAu/Run2005 pp, PRC 79, 059901(E) (2009) arXiv:0903.4845(Erratum) Shadowing model comparison to RdAu values with EKS PDF and fixed breakup cross sections With NDSG and fixed breakup cross sections PDF EKS(mb) NDSG(mb) breakup 2.8 +2.3 -2.1 2.6 +2.2 -2.6 Published RdAu vs. rapidity result 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy J/y Rcp EKS σ = 0 mb σ = 4 mb Preliminary result with 2008 d+Au data which has ~30 times statistics than 2003 d+Au data. Can’t fit the data with fixed breakup cross sections. Need to understand the suppression of shadowing region. PHENIX PRELIMINARY NDSG σ = 0 mb σ = 4 mb PHENIX PRELIMINARY Rcp vs. rapidity 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

High mass distribution p+p d+Au Gold(Au) going, y<0 Deuteron(d) going, y>0 Physical background of Drell Yan, and is estimated (pythia) 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

Upsilon cross sections BR*dσ/dy = 28.2±9.4(stat.)±4.8(syst.)pb, y [-2.2, -1.2] BR*dσ/dy = 9.6±2.1(stat.)±1.5(syst.)nb, y [-2.2, -1.2] BR*dσ/dy = 31.1±8.7(stat.)±6.2(syst.)pb, y [1.2, 2.2] BR*dσ/dy = 6.7±1.7(stat.)±1.5(syst.)nb, y [1.2, 2.2] pp cross section is reference to comparison to d+Au collision. pp cross section vs. rapidity is following the shape of Color Evaporation Model-CTEQ6M(PDF)(scaled down by ~2). Cross section vs. rapidity of d+Au collision is asymmetric. 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Upsilon RdAu RdAu = 0.84±0.34(stat.)±0.20(sys.), y [-2.2, -1.2] RdAu = 0.53±0.20(stat.)±0.16(sys.), y [1.2, 2.2] First Upsilon RdAu measurement at forward rapidity. Showing suppression at small x region. Waiting for theoretical comparison. 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

Light Vector Mesons Rcp Gold(Au) going, y<0 Deuteron(d) going, y>0 First nuclear modification factor measurement for low mass vector mesons in forward rapidity. Significant suppression at deuteron going direction. Stronger suppression for r/w than f and J/Y. 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Prospect for cc cc is a very important particle to calculate the actual feed-down contributions to J/y, to decouple the cold nuclear matter effect. Muon Arm 1.2<|y|<2.2 MPC 3.1<|y|<3.8 Foreground event Scaled mixed event Signal(Foreground – Mixed) Signal fitting with Gaussian and polynomial 2008 dAu North arm 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee

21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Summary Nuclear modification factors of Upsilon, J/y and light vector mesons are shown. They show suppression at low x region but, not clearly understood yet. Recent J/y Rcp result is not explained well with shadowing model and fixed breakup cross sections. New Upsilon RdAu shows suppression in low x region and need to have theoretical comparison. Low mass vector meson need to understand its production mechanisms. feed down to J/y measurement is underway and important to decouple the cold nuclear matter effect and QGP state. In future, PHENIX FVTX/VTX upgrade will reduce more background and make the y’ and even Drell-Yan measurement possible. 21 April DIS 2010, Florence, Italy Kwangbok Lee