Definitions of Health One of the most widely known definitions of health if the 1948 World Health Organization (WHO) definition “A state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
Definitions of Health Royal College of General Practitioners 1972 “A satisfactory adjustment of the individual to the environment”
Definitions of Health Negative definitions of health take the approach that health involves the absence or lack of disease Positive definitions outline the qualities or criteria a person should possess. So, person with a disability who leads a full life and is content may be regarded as “healthy”
Definitions of Health Positive definitions tend to associate “health” with positive qualities such as fitness, happiness and an appropriate weight. Negative definitions are based on the idea that “health” involves not having an illness or disease.
Definitions of Health Negative definitions of health have played a dominant role in shaping health policy, and the development of health and social care services. Definitions of health and illness are continually developing and changing. This means that policy-makers have to continue to adapt care services to changing ideas about health and expectations of health care