Earth Science Bell Ringer
Wave Tides Current
Limnetic zone Profundal zone Littoral zone
Isotherm Isobar Wavelength
Freshwater Aquifer Soil
Hurricane Tornado Thunderstorm
Precipitation Radioactive decay Hypothesis
Atmosphere Weather Climate Write the Definition of the term and write an alternative use of the word Atmosphere Weather Climate
Fusion Fission Wavelength
Indirect Observations Radiation Conduction
Equilibrium Density Volume
Observation Inference Direct Observations
Conduction S-Wave Internal Energy
High pressure Low pressure Direct Light
Shearing Tension stress
Indirect Light Climate Weather
Evaporation Condensation Capacity
Relative Humidity Specific Humidity Ozone
Water Vapor Air Pressure Coriolis Effect
Precipitation External Energy Subduction Zone
Viscosity Silica Lithosphere Astenosphere
Earthquake Mantle Inner Core
Outer Core Plate Tectonics Radioactive Decay
Composite Volcano Cinder Cone Shield Volcano
Divergent Boundary Convergent Boundary Transform Boundary
S-wave P-wave Surface wave
Cirrus Chlorofluorocarbons Estuary
Hot spot Lava Plateau Seismograph
Epicenter Focus Normal Fault
Strike-Slip Fault Reverse Fault Mid-ocean ridge
Inferring Air Pressure Local winds Global winds
Occluded Psychrometer Polar zone
Alternative explanations Hypothesis Model
Characteristic Electron Fission
Function Fusion Isotope
Kinetic energy Neutron Newton's first law of motion
Potential energy Property Proton Transformed
Atmosphere Geologic time Nebular cloud
Hazardous waste Nonrenewable resources Renewable resources
Technology Absorb Absorption
Radioactive decay cementation Elements
Radioactive decay Sediment Silt
Observation System Theory
Igneous Sedimentary metamorphic
Cementation Compaction Hardness
Lithification Fossil Supernova
Mineral Rock Weathering
Pressure Fracture Force
Mineral Crystal Rock
Mold Cast Unconformity
Geologic Era Geologic period Law of cross cutting
Trace fossil Petrification Clastic rock
Index fossil Radioactive decay fault
Law of Superposition Unconformity Half-life
Law of crosscutting Relative dating Radioactive dating
Comet Vertebrate Mass extinction