Macroeconomic Indicators of Republic of Montenegro Anastasia Mokova Dimitrina Bagashka
Population 630,548 Area: 13,938 sq. km.
Forests- 54% of total surface area Favorable geographic location International shipping (fleet of 40 ships)
GDP $10,600 billion Composition of GDP by sector: Tourism: 20% Industry: 13.8% Agriculture: 8.4% Services: 49.6%
Main industries: metallurgy, power generation, tourism Production of healthy organic food, naturally pure potable water Currency: Euro
2006- Independence from Serbia 2007- joined IMF and World Bank 2006- 2007- Real Estate Boom 2007- The Law on Banks 2007- Energy Sector Reforms 2008-submitted candidacy to EU
Successful Tax Policy: -the lowest corporate tax in Europe 9% -reduced Tax Rate 7% for tourism 2008- the highest foreign investment in Europe
Financial Crisis 2008… Huge drop in foreign investment in Montenegrin coastal property Sharp decline in economic growth 2009- expected GDP growth only 2%
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