Writing Excellent Essays Basic Essay Rules Writing Excellent Essays
Rule One Rule Two Do not use “The” to begin more than one sentence per paragraph. No two paragraphs may begin with the same word.
Rule Three Rule Four No two sentences may begin with the same word in the same paragraph. DO NOT USE the words: thing like very great a lot *The only exception is if you are quoting.
Rule Five Rule Six Words such as “big,” “small,” “huge,” etc., should ONLY be used in regards to concrete objects, not ideas. Instead for ideas use words like: “significant” “unimportant” “essential” Do not use contractions or other shortened word forms or symbols: Examples: can’t & lil’
Rule Eight Rule Seven Do NOT begin sentences with conjunctions: after, although, because, since, even though, whenever, while Do not refer to the writing process of your essays: Don’t say: In conclusion… As mentioned earlier…
Rule Ten Rule Nine Vary your sentence structure. Do not repeat your own key words/phrases. Do not repeat key words or phrases from the prompt.
Bonus Rule No first or second person…..no I, me, my, we, us, you, your, etc.