and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England Alder Hey Academy Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department presents Improving care for children with gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England Dear Colleague, We are writing to invite you to support this new education and networking initiative. Our multidisciplinary paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) team is fortunate to work in the new Alder Hey in the Park with its innovative architecture and state-of-the-art clinical and data infrastructures, education and research facilities. Alder Hey Gastro Days aim to provide a regular forum for clinical updates and an opportunity to liaise with other health professionals in improving the health and well-being of the children and families under our care. We are keen to establish the Alder Hey gastro education days with members from our local team and colleagues based in the district hospitals in the Northwest, North Wales and Isle of Man to support this initiative. Alder Hey Gastro Days will be a key activity to further develop our PGHAN network in the North West but also be open to trainee doctors, clinicians and Associate Specialists from throughout the UK. The meeting format will include: Clinical updates Clinical case presentations and discussions with Q&A What’s new in research and research skills Developing shared care protocols and pathways The day will be structured to maximise opportunities for networking by inviting presentations from colleagues within the region as well as expert speakers. RCPCH CPD approval has been applied for accordance with the RCPCH CPD guidelines Sponsored By: Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department
and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England Alder Hey Academy Improving care for children with gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England Abstracts: We also invite you to submit cases to be selected for oral presentation in the MDT discussion. Max: 10mins/10 slides In addition we also welcome submission of abstracts for posters in any topic in PGHAN Max: 400 words with standard format Introduction/aims/methods/results/conclusion Submission deadline 30/9/17 email to We held our first successful Alder Hey Gastro Day in the Institute in the Institute in the Park adjacent to the hospital on May 19th 2017. This was very well attended and the feedback from our delegates is detailed below. Dr. Christos Tzivinikos, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Marcus Auth, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist On behalf of the consultants and MDT at Paediatric Gastroenterology Department Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Feedback from the first Gastro course held on 19th May 2017 How did you rate this course overall ? Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department
Alder Hey Academy Improving care for children with gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England 1st November 2017 Venue The Research & Education Institute in the Park – Alder Hey Hospital Course Outline: Clinical updates in common topics in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition Clinical case presentations and discussions with Q&A What’s new in research and research skills Developing shared care protocols and pathways and networking Please see below for full programme Fees: Including Lunch Early Bookings discount: (for bookings made before 1st October 2017) Consultants: £110.00 Trainees/AHP’s: £ 65.00 Full Fee: Consultants: £125.00 Trainees/AHP’s: £ 80.00 RCPCH CPD approval has been applied for accordance with the RCPCH CPD guidelines Please confirm your method of payment: If cheque Please make payable to: Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and send to: Sharon Goumas Institute in the Park Education Centre Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Eaton Road, Liverpool L12 2AP For card payments: please ring Sharon Goumas 0151 252 5791 Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department
Alder Hey l Academy PROGRAMME Improving care for children with gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England 1st November 2017 The Research & Education Institute in the Park – Alder Hey Hospital PROGRAMME 09.00 – 09.25 Coffee – served in Reception area Time Title Speaker 09:30-09:40 Welcome - introduction Dr. Christos Tzivinikos Consultant in PGHAN 09:40-10:35 Diagnosis/Medical management of Crohns disease / Ulcerative colitis BSPGHAN/ESPGHAN guidance, when to refer/monitoring in DGH Dr. Fiona Cameron Consultant in PGHAN 10:35-11:15 Top 10 call from the DGH to the IBD team-what you always want to know but were afraid to ask! Coffee – served in Reception area Time Title Speaker 11:30-12:25 Feeding interventions in IBD- its not just all about EEN! Exclusive enteral nutrition Dietary modifications/supplementation Nutritional deficiencies Mrs. Emma Jones Advanced Dietitian 12:25-12:45 Role of specialist nurse in IBD Mr. David Aylward Mr Peter Grant Gastroenterology CNSs Poster walk and Lunch - served in Reception area Please be seated by 13.25 to continue with presentations Sponsored By: Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department
Alder Hey Academy 19th May 2017 The Research & Education Institute in the Park – Alder Hey Hospital Improving care for children with gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (PGHAN) problems in the North West of England Time Speaker 13:30-14:10 Role of psychology support in IBD Dr. Jenna Fay Clinical Psychologist Alder Hey 14:10-14:50 Surgical management of ulcerative colitis /Crohns When to consider, what options , long term prognosis Practice points from 2017 EPSGHAN-ECCO guidance Mr. Colin Baillie Consultant Paediatric Surgeon Coffee – served in Reception area 15:05-15:30 Acute severe colitis-how to spot and how to manage Update from 2017 ESPGHAN guidance, practical algorithm Dr. Marcus Auth Consultant in PGHAN 15:30-16:30 MDT case based discussions in PGHAN ( selected cases) Case based discussion /presentations will be interactive and informal sessions so participation from all MDT faculty and delegates will be highly desirable Delegates and all Pediatric Consultants and Dieticians 16.30 Close and feedback RCPCH has approved this activity for CPD in accordance with the RCPCH CPD guidelines Sponsored By: Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Gastroenterology Department