TERMINOLOGY AECC: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (2 credits per semester in 1st and 2nd semester only) CC: Compulsory Core—English and Second languages (5 credits per semester from 1st to 4th semesters only) DSC: Discipline Specific Core (optional spread over all semesters) DSE: Discipline Specific Elective (optionals in 5th and 6th semesters) SEC: Skill Enhancement Course (2 credits per semester in 3rd to 6th semesters) GE: Generic Elective (2 credits per semester in 5th and 6th semesters—decision pending)
AECC=2 credits per semester In 1st semester: Environmental Studies In 2nd semester: Gender Sensitization Teaching-2 hours per week EVALUATION: AECC examination will be conducted by the colleges and marks submitted to the University. In the memo grade (A, B, C, etc.) will be shown instead of ‘P’. AECC will not be counted for SGPA or CGPA
Evaluation Pattern for CC, DSC and DSC Each course will have 100 marks per semester 20 marks for internals 80 marks for end semester exam 2 Internals assessments per course Half an hour per test 15 marks each (average to be given) 10 MCQs, 10 FIBs and 5 short answers (5+5+5 marks) 1 assignment of 5 marks No retest 3 hours semester exam per course 10 short answers to be set for 2 marks each (10 x2 = 20 marks) all compulsory, no choice 5 long questions with internal choice to be set for 12 marks each (12 x 5 = 60 marks) No supplementary exams. Backlog rules, detention, etc. to be notified later
Evaluation (contd.) Pass percentage= 40% (both internals and semester exam put together) Relaxation for physically challenged as per University rules Passing in internals separately is not necessary. Flying squad will visit colleges during internals
SEC=2 credits per semester SEC will be tested for 50 marks per semester 10 marks for internals (only 1 internal assessment of 10 marks to be conducted per semester) University will conduct end semester exam for 40 marks SEC grade will be included in SGPA and CGPA
Grading O—85% and above A—70 to 84% B—60 to 69% C—55 to 59% D—50 to 54% E—40 to 49% F—less than 40% No Part I and Part II separation in final results English, Second Language, SEC, GE and Options will all be included in SGPA and CGPA Memo will display Credits and Grades per course per semester. No marks will be indicated in the memo
Thank you