Chapter 25-2,3: Consumer Guidelines for Food Mrs. Karen Swope Family and Consumer Sciences Columbian High School
Planning and Shopping for Food The U.S. government has several organizations designed to protect our food supply and to help consumers make important and healthy food decisions. Name some of these organizations: The U.S. government has several tools in place to help consumer make wise food choices. What are some of these tools?
U.S. Food and Drug Administration USFDA safeguards the food supply Ingredients used in food production must be free of contaminants, disease causing organisms
U.S. Department of Agriculture The USDA is a very large division of the federal government with many responsibilities. These include: all aspects of agriculture, food and nutrition, laws and regulations pertaining to, and the education about all the above.
USDA: MyPlate Revised in 2010 Used to encourage and guide healthy eating habits It sorts foods of similar nutritive value. Daily exercise of 30-60 minutes was added to this plan (2005).
USDA: MyPlate Eating the recommended amounts of food from each of the 5 groups will provide the needed nutrients. The 5 groups are: grains, vegetable, fruits, dairy, and proteins. Fats, oils and sweets do not represent a food group, however they are found in many foods, use them sparingly.
Eating Patterns What is your daily eating pattern? Basic meal pattern includes 3 meals/day Grazing – small, healthy meals, several times/day. Portion size: 1 slice of whole-wheat bread, 1 c. low-fat milk or yogurt, 1 c. of raw or cooked vegetables, 1 sm apple or medium banana, 2-3 ounces of lean meat, 1-2 eggs.
Highlights of the 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines 1. Eat a variety of foods, no single food provides all the nutrients 2. Balance food intake with exercise 3. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables 4. Choose foods low in fat, cholesterol, and trans fats 5. Choose a diet moderate in sugars and salt 6. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation
FDA Regulations Required on Food Labels Common name of the product Form of the food product: whole, sliced, cubed Net content, net weight, including liquid Name and address of manufacturer Ingredients listed in descending order by weight
FDA Nutrition Facts Label FDA regulates what is on the food labels Labels help consumers make safe and healthy food decisions The FDA has proposed changes to be approved 2015, take affect 2017.
Consumer tools Universal Product Code (UPC): a series of black and white lines, bars and numbers. Product is scanned by a laser beam, code is read by a computer and transmits price to a register. Speeds checkout, produces an itemized receipt, inventories merchandise.
Tools cont. Unit Pricing: shows the cost per unit, weight or measure (oz. or lb) Divide the cost of the product by the weight Used to determine the cheaper item per ounce or pound, allows comparison shopping $ / oz. or lb. = unit price $1.00 / 10 oz. = .10 per ounce