Mrs. Fesperman’s Classroom Newsletter October 30, 2017 No Spelling This Week We will not have spelling words this week. First Grade teachers decided it was a busy, short week so Letterland Unit 8 words will be for next week. We will send the words home on Friday. Turkey Disguise Homework We will be sending home information on Wednesday this week about a turkey disguise project. We will be reading in class, Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey. In this story, turkeys are disguised in order to leave the turkey farm before they become Thanksgiving Dinner! First Grade is going to write a story at school that details how they would get their turkey off of the turkey farm. End of 1st Quarter The 31st will be the end of the first quarter. Second quarter essentials will be sent home this week. Report Cards Go Home on November 7th. What Are We Learning? It’s all about pumpkins this week! Math – (1.NBT.4) I can add to 100 (2-digit number and a 1-digit number; 2-digit number and a multiple of 10) We will work on addition strategies using number lines, 120 charts, adding on and other math strategies this week. Additionally, we will be reviewing the Benchmark data to go over areas students need practice. We will continue to work on true/false equations. ELA – (1.RL.1a)I can ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (1.RL.2a) I can retell a story using important details. (1.RI.1a) I can answer questions about key details in a text. (1.RI. 2b) I can retell key details of a text. We are working on writing and neat handwriting in class. Science – (1.E.2.1) Last few days of rocks and soil. We will integrate pumpkins into our science units this week. Square 1 Art is Due November 3rd Spanish Phrase Our Spanish phrase of the week is: !Buen trabajo!– meaning Good job! PTO The 2017 Coyote Fund Raffle has been extended until the end of this week. PTO has been working very hard to meet their goal! Please send back donations with students by this Friday, November 3rd. All money goes back into the school for classroom materials and tools, playground upgrades, and Discovery Place Partnership for all students. There are some great prizes for those names that are drawn! Mrs. Debbie Fesperman Email address: Coddle Creek Elementary School Phone number: 704-439-4077 141 Frank’s Crossing Loop Mooresville, NC 28115