In this lesson, you will learn to identify stages the grief reaction. recognize strategies for coping with personal loss. provide emotional support to someone who is grieving.
How long grief lasts after a death depends on the individual. Loss (can also mean a divorce, job loss or a close friend that moves away) It is normal for those who suffer the loss of a relative, friend, family member, or pet to experience grief. grief The sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one Loss is an unavoidable part of life. Emotional pain can sometimes be more painful that physical pain. Loss can also mean a divorce, job loss or close friend moving far away How long grief lasts after a death depends on the individual.
Major stressors in a person’s life can cause a grief reaction. The Grief Reaction Major stressors in a person’s life can cause a grief reaction. grief reaction The process of dealing with strong feelings following any loss A stressor might be the breakup of a friendship following a big argument, or disappointment over getting turned down by a club or team. The grief reaction usually occurs in stages. When it comes to grieving, judgments of right or wrong do not apply. People feel sad for different reasons.
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance The Grief Reaction Denial Anger Bargaining Denial: People who are in denial can’t believe that the loss or serious disappointment happened. Anger: At this stage, you may feel intense bitterness or anger. In the case of a death, the feelings may be toward the person who died. They can even be directed at other family members or friends. Bargaining: In the bargaining stage, you try to make a deal in order to fix your disappointment or bring back a serious loss. Depression: Deep sadness sets in at this stage. The reality of the loss begins to sink in. You begin to acknowledge, maybe for the first time, that the loss is permanent. Acceptance: In this stage, you feel ready to move on with your life. The pain lessens. If the loss was a death, the person now becomes the subject of memories that you can always have with you. Depression Acceptance
Coping strategies may help you during difficult times. Coping with Grief Coping strategies may help you during difficult times. coping strategies Ways of dealing with the sense of loss people feel at the death of someone close
Coping with Grief Coping Strategies Confront feelings head-on. Sadness and crying are normal reactions. Do not keep your emotions bottled up. Share your feelings with others. Religious traditions may help some cope with the loss of a loved one. Remember the ways in which the person was special.
Caring It can be difficult and awkward to be around people who are grieving. Sometimes you may not know what to say. Yet, your presence can mean a lot to someone you care about. It shows you are there for him or her.
Helping Others Who Are Grieving Let the person decide how you can be a source of comfort. Respect the person’s feelings. Allow the person to decide how much time they need to recover. Do not insist on talking or giving advice. Sometimes you can be a big source of comfort just by being there. Ask the person what you can do to help. Remember that feeling sad is not wrong or immature. The loss a person feels may not seem important to you, but it may cause great pain to the other person. Some people get over losses faster than others.
What I Learned Vocabulary What is grief? Lesson 4 Review Grief is the sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one.
What I Learned Recall Name the five stages of the grief reaction. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned Recall Name the five stages of the grief reaction. shock, anger, yearning, depression, and acceptance
Lesson 4 Review What I Learned List What are three ways of showing emotional support for someone who is grieving? Sample answers: give the person time to recover, ask how to be most helpful, respect his or her feelings
Lesson 4 Review What I Learned Explain What are some coping strategies for dealing with grief? Coping strategies include confronting and sharing your feelings, sadness, crying, and participating in religious traditions.
Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically Synthesize How might coping with a personal loss be said to be both emotional and physical? A loss is emotional because it involves deep feeling and physical because many expressions of grief, such as crying, are physical.
Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically Evaluate Trish just found out her best friend is moving away. Trish is feeling sad and upset. Trish’s sister Brittany told her she needs to “get over it.” Do you think Brittany’s words show emotional support? Explain your answer. Sample answer: No, Brittany needs to give Trish time to feel sad.