rome Etruscans arrive in Italy 800 BCE, establish small city states City of Rome founded (according to legend by twin brothers Romulus and Remus) 509 BCE Rome gains independence, formed as a republic Influenced by Greek culture and politics
Rome Ruling body- Senate (patricians) aristocrats/wealthy landowners pass down positions to sons General Assembly- (plebians) commoners (who make up 90% of the population), had little power Executive- made up of two consuls (one year term) elected from Senate Plebians eventually gain tribunes as representatives- could use veto power in Senate
Rome Julius Caesar- patrician general forms triumvirate ( also Pompey and Crassus), Rome ruled by 3. Later Julius proclaims himself dictator. After Julius assassinated by Senate (44 BCE) his nephew Octavian and Mark Anthony battle for control of Rome. Octavian is triumphant at Battle of Actium (31 BCE)- senate declares Octavian as Augustus Caesar- establishing Roman Empire Recommended: research Cleopatra
Roman Empire at most powerful
Julius Caesar, Octavian
Rome Augustus- institutes new civil service where provinces ruled by governors Formalized roman law- Law of the twelve tables Military reforms- reduces size, uses army to build roads and public works Reforms usher in Pax Romana- Roman peace that lasted until late 2nd century CE (Roman empire at largest extent and most prosperous during this time)
Rome Roman society based on paterfamilias- oldest living male has complete authority over family Women- educated and vocal but no real power, could run family businesses,inherit property and divorce Slaves-used for domestic tasks mining/agriculture, also fight in arena (bread and circus entertainment to prevent civil disorder) gladiators Recommend: research servile rebellions and Spartacus
Colosseum, events at games
ROME Rome expansion to Mediterranean- Punic Wars (264-146 BCE) with Carthage, Carthage civilization decimated (Recommend: Carthage General Hannibal) conquered peoples sometimes offer citizenship in return for supplying soldiers/giving tribute Roman legal ideas- courts set precedent for further cases, equity among all citizens, judges interpret the law, natural law Poet Virgil- “Aeneid” (founding of rome) uses and retells stories from Greek Homer
Hannibal with war elephants
Rome Latin language spreads, Roman architecture Roman gods similar to Greeks (ex: Jupiter=Zeus, Neptune=Poseidon) religious festivals, celebrations Stoicism- service to state and community highest calling ex: Cincinnatus Decline of Rome- many reasons but include, difficulty in defending large borders, incompetent Emperors, political instability,population decline from disease
Rome Constantine founds Constantinople (modern day Istanbul in Turkey) Empire in East (Byzantine) lasts until 1452 CE while Rome Empire ends in 476 CE with sack of Rome by Visgoths Romulus and Remus- according to legend the brothers who founded Rome