Post QM Analysis of VTX Takashi HACHIYA 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Post QM Analysis of VTX Takashi HACHIYA 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

QM analysis Preliminary result of c/b ratio and RAA(be, ce) were shown at QM Problem in the DCA decomposition method Small statistics Use ~60% data in Run11 Au+Au Yield and v2 analysis Instability of the Q vector 4th repair 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

DCA Decomposition DCA data are fit by expected DCA shapes of Signal components : ce and be (right column) Background components (left column) expected DCA shape Charm/Bottom assumes PYTHIA spectra Background : detector simulation with measured data input Fit range : 0.2<|DCA|<1.5(mm) Large suppression is obtained using PYTHIA assumption. The Au+Au data are inconsistent with these input assumptions A large suppression implies a large modification of the parent B pT distributions This implies that the electron DCA distributions used in the DCA fit is modified 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

DCA Unfolding Procedure Inconsistency between input and output pT slope is problem in Au+Au. Input : PYTHIA slope, Output: Large suppression 3 unfolding methods of the DCA decomposition are in progress Self-consistent method (Ryohji) Use small chi2 between input and output (shown below), pT by pT. Global fitting method (Mike M, Andrew) Fix input pT slope and Fit c/b ratio simultaneously for all pT Input/output pT is in principle same Iterative method (Alan) Simulation Bottom pT spectra (input) b e pT spectra (decay in PYTHIA) Check consistency b e DCA template b e pT spectra (Yield) From DCA fitting (output) Data analysis DCA in data 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Current status of DCA decomposition in the self-consistent method This analysis is done by Ryohji Parent pT assumption - FONLL Change peak position Change high pT shape, low pT shape pT Updated b / (b+c) ratio chi2<11.5 (1) chi2<16.0 (90%) chi2<18.3 (2) min. chi2 Bottom yield is increased compared with the preliminary result. Blind analysis to check the method is in progress 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Plan to get final result Issues need to be solved DCA decomposition Unfolding procedures are in progress Small statistics : Use full run11 data Need calibration Develop and update software Next page Improve S/N by tuning Cut/Parameters DCA resolution in p+p, Need reco. software (now BC is used instead of EbyE vtx) eID, veto cut and so on for good S/N Brush up acceptance calculation 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Current Status Problems: DCA measurement (DCA = Track – primVtx) In AuAu, event by event primVtx is used : resolution 78um In p+p, beam center is used instead of E by E primVtx because E by E primVtx is biased by the track having large DCA in small N tracks. Resolution of Beam center measurement not good in p+p Low multiplicity Emittance of the beam in PP is wider than Au+Au DCA fit at pT=1-1.5GeV in AuAu in AN DCA fit at pT=1-1.5GeV in pp in AN 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Calibration status HotDead Pixel HotDead Strip Offset BeamCenter L by L alignment Run11 AuAu before 4th repair X Hidemitsu △ Run11 AuAu after 4th repair Run12 pp200 Serpil/JC Run12 pp510 Zack/JC Rachid, Sarah,Aneta Theo/Mike Nils Use pp200 Run12 CuAu Theo Jason Mike Run12 UU Anne David After finishing the calibration, we will request starting the production (mini) and checking the data quality. 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Software Development and Analysis PrimVtx in low multiplicity(and pp) JohnC Self-bias is included, but should removed Secondary Vtx reconstruction for D   Matt W Multi-PrimVtx in p+p Alan and Nils Extend the association window for W analysis. Mikhail, Ciprian OnCal for run13 (code develop and maintain during run13) Fine tuning (optimizing) the analysis cuts (>1 person) eID, Veto(Shimomura), DCA_Z to improve S/N  ????  Need the detailed study DCA shape by simulation and embedding (>1 person) Ryohji, Sasha How is the DCA shape changed by Bremsstrahlung. Amount of material (>1 person) Ryohji, Takashi Event Killer (>1 person) Rachid, Takashi, Hidemitsu Fiducial cut for pp JohnC 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

DST production Pp510(run12) CuAu+UU(run12) AuAu(run11) 1st production using rough VTX calibration is on going. No BeamCenter, No Offset, LbyL alignment in 200GeV All the VTX clusters are saved for ERT 4x4 and sampled MB. Less than 1 week. (probably same with pp200GeV) This can be used for W analysis and for code development and quick analysis. Final production with well-tuned calibration is needed for DCA measurement CuAu+UU(run12) Calibration is under construction AuAu(run11) We may want making this DST earlier than CuAu+UU. Calibration is ready. We will request mini-production 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Study on Instability of Q-vector   Beam axis x z Reaction plane Non-central collisions Y Before QM, Maki reported RP(VTX-cluster) is unstable. We did not use RP(VTX) for QM analysis We had to use the calibration parameters for file by file. It is not good for DB. Analysis checking Q-vector (Q(x)1) using a PRDF file (run348424 taken after 4th repair) From Maki’s study 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Q(x) vs event number nHit vs BbcQ in chips: 1 Qx jumpped Event Number nHit vs BbcQ in chips: “bad” chips were found Correlation for all the chips are shown in the backup page. After removing the bad chip, Q(x) is calculated again 2 nHit BbcCharge Good sample Bad sample nHit BbcCharge 3 Qx jump disappeared. We have to use only “GOOD” stable ladders in Q calculation 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Systematic study of unstable ladders This analysis is done by Hidemitsu example B0L0 run347128 326 run used sensor 0 sensor 2 sensor 1 sensor 3 sensor 4 sensor 5 Unstable fraction unstable ! SensorID Check time dependence of hit rate for every runs Sensor by sensor (4 sensor in a pixel ladder, 5 or 6 sensor in a stripixel ladder) If the sensors are unstable, these sensors will be tagged “unstable” Tagging for run by run. Remove these unstable sensors in Q vector calculation. These ladder could be used for yield analysis since the reconstructed track is confirmed by more than 3 VTX hits. 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Summary Post QM analysis is in progress DST production just started DCA decomposition Calibration DST production just started 1st pass of pp510. This can be used for W analysis and code development of multi-vetex Stability of VTX is checked Unstable ladder is not used for reaction plane analysis 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Integrated luminosity If we do not have enough time to get the preliminary result by QM2012, it is good to concentrate “GOOD” run for VTX analysis. 1st repair 2nd repair 3rd repair 4th repair If we do not have enough time, I think it is good to concentrate “GOOD” run for VTX analysis. The period after final repair is “GOOD” period. The half luminosity is taken in this period. Pixel Live Rate B0 49% 69% 77% 85% B1 48% 62% 57% Live rate may be optimistic. Low eff chip is also included. The period after final repair work of the Pixel was done is “GOOD” from the pixel point of view. ( half of total run11 liminosity) 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Current Status 2 About Run11 Analysis Plan Reproduce DSTs for all the run11 data using the updated codes and calibrations. We can increase statistics. We have 2B events more before 4th repair. (We have 3B after 4th.) We need to update the reconstruction codes. Removing prim VTX bias on DCA in low multiplicity events. We will update the calibration for the data before 4th pixel repair. We expect at least a few month to complete updating the codes and calibrations. Study the analysis cut and the remained problems using the current DSTs S/N can be improved by tuning eID and ZDCA cut Veto cut can be improved by introducing pT dependent cut. … Those are listed in the following pages 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Current Status 3 About Run12 Analysis Many people want to analyze run 12 data using VTX (p+p510, CuAu, UU) We haven’t started DST production yet since we don’t have all calibration parameters. Reconstruction code has some issues as shown in the previous page. Plan Make pilot DSTs using the current codes and calibration parameters. These pilot DST can be used to develop the analysis code. Calibration parameters will be obtained in the workfest held next week. Minimum code update is needed. We are listing what need to be updated as “minimum”. Reproduce the official DSTs with updated code and calibrations These plans were discussed in the analysis meeting last week. All items are listed in the following page. We will have VTX workfest for the software at the end of Oct or beginning of Nov. There might be still some missing items. 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Task List (Analysis) Alignment Chi2, Z-dep of L, recover Improve chi2 and Z-dep by alignment Simulation Chi2 Chi2 in data is different from that in sim. Material Verify the amount of material in data and sim using ee pair analysis Acceptance Refine acceptance for AuAu and pp, especially for pp. S/N(cut) Track cut and eID cut (ZDCA and so on) Tune the parameters to improve S/N Veto Introduce pT dependent cut. Add in wider veto cut for p+p ( for low multiplicity). BG Random association Confirm the BG yield using the rotation method, side-band method and event mixing method. DCA Asymmetry of charge x DCA Study in more detail using embedding with more statistics Conversion Understand in more detail DCA template B meson Use DCA template assuming softer pT distribution D meson Use DCA template assuming softer pT distribution. Try to use DCA template changing D+/D0 ratio. Event Killer Lose a lot event Check what is cause to kill the events There might be some missing items. Please comment if you find. 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Task List (calibration and production) Run11 before 4th repair HotDead for pixel Low efficiency problem by algorithm Beam center Need mini-production Lad by Lad alignment Need to check if it is OK using mini-production Recover some ladders (stripixel) May need to correct Z-dep more Run11 after 4th repair Slightly shifted in some runs at the end of run11 Run12 pp510, CuAu,UU HotDead Same as above Offset, beam center, L by L alignment At workfest L by L alignment Production Run11 AuAu Need final production after updating codes and calibration parameters Run12 pp200 Need final production after updating codes Pp510, CuAU, UU Pilot production right after obtaining calibration Final production 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Task list (code development) Tracking Random association Changing rotation angle Association window Enlarge the window for W measurement in pp510 Chi2 calculation Chi2 distribution has difference between data and sim. Secondary vertex New code for direct measurement Association on the dead sensor Check if tracks associate with the dead sensor to avoid unrealistic association Primary vertex Self bias Primary vertex is self-biased in the low multiplicity Multi-collision Determine multi-vertex for especially pp. Data Structure PHCentralTrack Add SvxCNT info to PHCentralTrack. compactCNT Might be biased in the conversion of int –float Saved cluster Save all clusters around the FG track and BG track. (now only FG track) Embedding Data handling Raw data is once written to text file. Hard to run massive jobs. Simulation code DCH, RICH eff and dead Include realistic eff. and dead in DC and RICH. Should use the common macro for run11 analysis Event killer Too much loss Event killer rejects 50% of run11 data. Recalibrator Alignment May need fine correction for DCA and chi2 L by L 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Nhit vs BBCQ (B0) Bad chip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B0-L0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B0-L0 B0-L1 B0-L2 B0-L3 B0-L4 B0-L5 B0-L6 B0-L7 B0-L8 B0-L9 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

B1-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B1-L0 B1-L1 B1-L2 B1-L3 B1-L4 B1-L5 B1-L6 B1-L7 B1-L8 B1-L9 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

B1-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B1-L10 B1-L11 B1-L12 B1-L13 B1-L14 B1-L15 B1-L16 B1-L17 B1-L18 B1-L19 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Qvector(x) vs event number Q(x) EventNumber <Qx> at B0 and B1 shows the systematic shift at Nevt=40k This shift is caused by some particular ladders. B0-L0 B1-L0 B1-L1 Those are shown in the backup slide Those 3 ladders are connected to the single FEM. Does this mean that the hardware problem might happen? shift shift 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

nHit in a chip vs BbcCharge Good sample Bad sample nHit BbcCharge nHit in a chip vs BbcCharge for all chips are checked. There are “good” chips and “bad” chips Good : Clear correlation with BbcCharge Bad : Strange shape. Correlation for all the chips are shown in the backup page. After removing the bad chip, Q(x) is calculated again. 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting

Modified Q(x) vs Event number B0 Q(x) B1 Q(x) EventNumber Strange structures are almost disappeared. Removing bad chips is working well 2012/12/6 Lad lab meeting