ARNBC Issues Workshop CV Network of ARNBC September 15, 2016 ARNBC AGM June 26, 2013
Agenda 4:00 Introductions and Greetings 4:10 Overview & Discussion a. Identifying Issues & Stakeholders 5:15 Networking Break 5:45 Writing your Issues Note 6:30 Finalizing the Action & Wrap-up
to start a conversation Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters
Issue Report Form
Policy Products Discussion Papers Explore and provide a balanced perspective on a specific topic. They are typically used to generate dialogue. Issues Brief Describes an issue in a clear and succinct manner. It consists of a background, key messages, and next steps. ARNBC typically use issues briefs to highlight key policy issues, which are made available on the website.
Policy Products Information Briefing Document/Note A short, concise and clear document used to inform decision-makers about an issue. Policies A Policy is the "action" part of a resolution or position statement. Once the Association has taken a position, policies are the actions or principles adopted to address an issue.
Policy Products Policy Submissions Policy submissions provide an opportunity for ARNBC to offer a nursing perspective on key issues that are brought forward during consultations with government or other stakeholders (i.e. submissions to the Select Standing Committee on Health). Policy Papers Policy papers involve extensive policy analysis, the development of a plan to solve the policy issues, and actionable strategies to implement the plan.
Policy Papers Position Statement In a position statement, the Association takes a strong position, and engages in extensive research, consultation and analysis in order to create a framework to address the issue. Resolution A Resolution is a high-level "suggestion" or a commitment to do something. Resolutions are brought forward at annual general meetings, discussed, and voted on.
Putting it all together
Developing Key Messages
Nursing is a Political Act…