Objective 1.0 Test Do your best!
When operating the Numeric Keypad, which operation do you use to sum 123 and 147? + - * /
2. When keying a document how should your fingers be positioned if you are using proper keyboarding techniques? Curved Straight Rigid Flat
3. What are the homerow keys for the Numeric Keypad? 123 456 789 147
4. Which finger should strike the “0” key, when keying 250? Right index Right middle Right ring Right thumb
5. Which keys do use strike when you key the number 1,234? 1234 1,234 1, space bar 234 1 space bar 234
6. Where should your eyes be focused when you are keying? Copy Fingers Floor The keys
7. When you operate the ENTER key what technique should you use? Touch Enter, keeping finger on Enter key Touch Enter, return finger to semicolon Touch Enter, return your hand to function keys Touch Enter, return hand to homerow keys
8. Why should you used proper techniques when keying at your computer? To be comfortable To make the teacher happy To stop mistakes To protect your body
9. What key should you press to type a line in ALL CAPS? Caps Lock Control Left Shift Right Shift
10. What are the homerow keys on the keyboard? asdf jkl; gfds hikl asef klom asdg jkl.