Our Objectives Today…. List and describe the three domains of learning List and provide an example of the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Descartes Moment What do you know about the three domains of learning? What do you know about Bloom’s Taxonomy? Where will WE use this information later?
The Three DOMAINS Affective Psychomotor Cognitive
The Three DOMAINS Affective Psychomotor Cognitive
AFFECTIVE DOMIAN EMOTIONAL LEARNING: FEELING – Concerned with attitudes, appreciations, interests, values and adjustments.
PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN PHYSICAL LEARNING: DOING - Emphasizes speed, accuracy, dexterity, and physical skills.
COGNITIVE DOMAIN RATIONAL LEARNING: THINKING- Emphasis upon knowledge, using the mind, and intellectual abilities.
COGNITIVE DOMAIN Often referred to as Instructional or Behavioral Objectives that begin with VERBS (refer to handout). What we know as Bloom’s Taxonomy
BLOOM’S TAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES COGNITIVE DOMAIN What do you think of when you hear the word Taxonomy? What is a Taxonomy? Biology Class Taught us: Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Variety
BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Behaviors are taught to be cumulative, going from simple to more complex mental behaviors.
COGNITIVE DOMAIN Bloom’s Taxonomy is an order of learning with six levels. Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge
1. KNOWLEDGE Recalling, Remembering, and Recognizing. Emphasizing facts, information, and specifics. Involves remembering material in form very close to how it was originally presented. Depends upon memorizing or identifying facts without asking beyond.
2. COMPREHENSION Describing and Explaining Grasping the meaning and intent of the material. Deals with content and involves ability to understand what is being communicated.
3. APPLICATION Applying Information Using what is remembered and comprehended. Applies learning to real life, new, and/or concrete situations. It is ability to use knowledge and learned material in meaningful ways.
4. ANALYSIS Reasoning Breaking material into parts and determining the relationships of these parts to each other and to the whole.
4. ANALYSIS Analyzing Relationships Taking one portion or piece at a time to clarify the overall idea.
5. SYNTHESIS Creating Putting together parts and elements into a new form. Organizing ideas into new patterns and putting materials together in a structure which was not there before.
6. EVALUATION Evaluating Judging the values of ideas, methods, materials, procedures, and solutions by developing and/or using appropriate criteria.
Think, Pair, Share Find a partner Come up with a topic you will likely teach to a freshman ag class, Principles of AFNR Write one cognitive activity you would like students to master when teaching the topic Use the list of verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy to help you
What are the Three Domains of Learning?
The Three DOMAINS Affective Psychomotor Cognitive
Describe each domain of learning.
The Three DOMAINS Affective Psychomotor Cognitive
What are the six levels of Blooms Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge
What is an example of each level of Bloom’s taxonomy?
Look at the Verbs! Appraise, Defend, Judge Construct, Create, Design Evaluation Construct, Create, Design Synthesis Compare, Contrast, Analyze Analysis Apply, Choose, Write Application Classify, Describe, Discuss Comprehension Arrange, Define, List Knowledge
Summary We will use what we learned today for lesson planning and objective writing FAST Meeting on Thursday—7 p.m. AGLS 114 Next time—No Class on Friday! Effective Teacher Paper (posted to your website by Monday, Sept 17) Be prepared to provide the name of the school/teacher where you will present your lesson in Nov/Dec