Music and its impacts on writing productivity Onekqua N. Henry Education 702.22 Fall 2009
Table of contents Introduction Statement of the Problem Review of Related Literature Statement of the Hypothesis
Statement of the Problem In many schools across the country a need for motivating students to write is evident. Evidence of that need is observed by teacher observations. As a result teachers often ask how can I motivate my students to write? Students apprehension toward writing. Students writing fewer and fewer words.
Review of the literature Theorists Gardner –Intelligences, which do not always reveal themselves in paper-and-pencil tests, can serve as basis for more effective educational methods.(Gardner 1998) Multiple intelligences Linguistic- involves sensitivity to spoken and written language; the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals Musical intelligence- involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. Connection- According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.
Review of the Literature Piaget Theorized that cognitive development proceeds four genetically determined stages (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 2009) Sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete, formal Connection- Teachers should be aware that Writing has developmental stages which parallel cognitive development.
Review of the literature Current instructional methods Interactive writing In this process, students and teachers collaborate in the construction of text while building on prior knowledge.(Patterson, Schaller ,&Clemens(2008) Guided writing According to Box,(2002) The primary components of guided reading include modeling the thinking process that occurs in writing.
Review of the literature Prior research Commonality Prior to research observations of student apprehension toward writing was apparent. Researchers looking for a way to increase student motivation for writing. Students like music. Motivating students to write remains one of the most difficult obstacles that teachers must overcome.(Donohoe, & McNeely, (1999)
Prior research Cont Many studies support music as a positive influence on writing. A study by Kariuki, & Honeycutt (1998) reported when [students] were exposed to music during writing assignments students showed an increase in writing output. Music can be a motivational tool, act a stress reducer and have a calming effect and take away from the pressure of writing. (Black, 1993; Kariuki, & Honeycutt 1998; Donohoe, & McNeely, 1999; Israel 2004;
Review of the literature Pro’s and Con’s Music makes a subject come alive and children do not know they are learning.(Prescott 1999) Music improves literacy development; transferability of skills from one talent domain to another.(Piro 2009) Con’s At times the gains are not distributed equally because of factors such as music selection, culture, race/ethnicity, and at times gender. (Southgate, & Roscigno, 2009).
Statement of the hypothesis H1-Over a five week period fifteen fifth grade students in P.S. ABC will demonstrate an increase in narrative writing productivity when responding to a music stimuli.
References Black, J. (1993, October 1). The effects of auditory and visual stimuli on tenth graders' descriptive writing. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED364887) Retrieved September 29, 2009, from ERIC database Box, J. (2002). Guided Writing in the Early Childhood Classroom. Reading improvement, 39(3), 111-13. Retrieved October 14, 2009, from Education Full Text database. Gardner, H. (1998). A Multiplicity of Intelligences. Scientific American Presents, 18- 23. Retrieved October 8,2009 Academic Search Complete database. Donohoe, R., & McNeely, T. (1999, May 1). The effect of student music choice on writing productivity. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED448472) Retrieved September 17, 2009, from ERIC database. Eady, I., & Wilson, J. (2004). The influence of music on core learning. Education, 1 25(2), 243-248. Retrieved October 8,2009 Academic Search Complete database. Kariuki, P., & Honeycutt, C. (1998, November 1). An investigation of the effects of Music on two emotionally disturbed students' writing motivations and writing skills. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED427491) Retrieved September 29, 2009, from ERIC database
References continued Patterson, E., Schaller, M.,& Clemens, J. (2008). A Closer Look at Interactive Writing. Reading Teacher, 61(6), 496-497. Retrieved October 11, 2009 from Academic Search Complete database. (2009). Piaget, Jean. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. Retrieved October 11, 2009 from Academic Search Complete database. Piro, J. (2009). Music training and literacy development. Literacy Today, (59), 32-34. Retrieved September 17, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database. Prescott, J. (2005). Music in the classroom. Instructor, 114(5), 29-76. Retrieved October 8,2009 from Academic Search Complete database. Southgate, D., & Roscigno, V. (2009). The Impact of Music on Childhood and Adolescent Achievement. Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited), 90(1), 4-21. Retrieved October 11, 2009 from Academic Search Complete database.