Unit #1: What’s a MATTER?
Match This Matter - Mass - Weight - Does not change based on location Used to measure the amount of “stuff” an object has Changes on location Anything that has “mass” or “stuff” and takes up space The measure of the force of gravity The amount of “stuff” or “Matter” in an object Match This Matter - Mass - Weight -
Matter Mass Weight Anything that has “stuff” and takes up space The amount of “stuff” or “Matter” in an object Does NOT change based on location Weight The measure of the force of gravity Changes based on location – Gravity Changes Used to measure the amount of “stuff” an object has
What’s Your Weight? 30 lbs. 185 lbs. 65 lbs.
States of Matter Solid Liquid Gas
Solid Liq. Gas Definite Volume or Space Yes/No How Compressible high, medium, Low, no Atom Arrangement close, med or far apart Kinetic Energy high, med. low Definite Shape Yes/No Solid Liq. Gas
States of Matter Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9WYweBA6vA
Phase Changes Solid → liquid Liquid → gas Gas → Liquid Liquid → solid Solid → gas Melting Evaporation/vaporization Condensation Freezing sublimation endothermic exothermic
Unit #1: Introduction to Matter States of Matter and Phase Changes Draw Three (3) Boxes equally spaced across your paper like so:
Unit #1: Introduction to Matter States of Matter and Phase Changes Label the Left Box as "Solid", the Middle Box as "Liquid", and the Right Box as "Gas" SOLID LIQUID GAS
Unit #1 States of Matter and Phase Changes Draw what the particles would look like inside each of the three different States of Matter. SOLID LIQUID GAS It's good as it is
Unit #1 States of Matter and Phase Changes Identify whether each state of matter has a Definite Shape or No Definite Shape. SOLID LIQUID GAS It's good as it is Definite Shape No Definite Shape No Definite Shape
Unit #1 States of Matter and Phase Changes Identify the "amount" of Kinetic Energy (KE) that each state of matter exhibits. SOLID LIQUID GAS It's good as it is Definite Shape Low KE No Definite Shape Medium KE No Definite Shape High KE
Unit #1 States of Matter and Phase Changes Identify the names of the different Phase Changes. Sublimation SOLID LIQUID GAS Evaporation Melting It's good as it is Freezing Condensation Deposition/ De-sublimation