Vocabulary Unit 1
PARTS OF SPEECH REVIEW: Noun: a person, place, thing, or idea Examples: horse, uniform, Rachel, happiness Verb: an action Examples: running, jumping, shouting Adjective: a describing word Examples: red, bright, dull, annoying
Bringand (n) The bringand’s face was seen on a wanted poster because he stole money from the bank. a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman
Cumbersome (adj) The massive bad was cumbersome and made it hard for me to walk quickly. hard to handle, unwieldy
Efface (v) The coin’s date was effaced by wear; we could not make out what year it were produced. 1. to wipe out; to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface 2. to keep oneself from being noticed
Relinquish (v) Anyone who drinks should relinquish his car keys, as you should not drink and drive. to let go, give up
Dilemma (n) She had a dilemma: which shoes should she wear on her hot date tonight? a difficult or perplexing situation or problem
Deadlock (n) The traffic was deadlocked as the cars had no place to move. a standstill, standoff, stalemate
Predispose (v) She was genetically predisposed to breast cancer as her mother and two aunts had it before her. make susceptible to, to incline to beforehand
diffuse (adj.) The diffuse report was 98 pages; it should have been only 30! wordy, longwinded, unfocused, verbose
Admonish (v) My mom admonished me when I came in two hours past curfew. 1. to scold mildly; 2. to advise against something
diffuse (v.) The smell of perfume diffused through the air in the classroom. to spread or scatter freely or widely, disperse
Perennial (adj) Her perennial knee pain had lasted for five years! lasting for a long time, persistent
Breach (v) There was a breach in the damn and the water broke through. 1. (n). rift, opening, gap, rupture; 2. (v.) to create an opening
Salvage (v) After the accident, he was able to salvage a few good car parts to use in the future. to save from fire or shipwreck
Muddle (v) She muddled through her bedroom, trying to find a clean pair of socks. 1. (v.) to make a mess of; 2. (n.) a hopeless mess
Opinionated (adj) He was so opinionated, he always though he was right and never wanted to hear a different view. stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one's own ideas, having a closed mind
Spasmodic (adj) The spasmodic cramp in his leg made him fall to the ground. sudden and violent but brief
Commandeer (v) The pirates commandeered the boat and stole everything! to seize for military or official use
Circumspect (adj) She was circumspect as she walked across the frozen pond; at any point, the ice could become thin. careful, cautious
Debris (n) The debris from the house was scattered everywhere after the hurricane. scattered fragments, wreckage
Spurious (adj) The spurious dollar bill was easy to spot as it did not have the U.S. seal on it. not genuine, not true, not valid, forged
Unbridled (adj) The unbridled stallion was hard to train as it was wild. uncontrolled, lacking in restraint