From: Cross-modal attention influences auditory contrast sensitivity: Decreasing visual load improves auditory thresholds for amplitude- and frequency-modulated.


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Presentation transcript:

From: Cross-modal attention influences auditory contrast sensitivity: Decreasing visual load improves auditory thresholds for amplitude- and frequency-modulated sounds Journal of Vision. 2017;17(3):20. doi:10.1167/17.3.20 Figure Legend: Stimuli and psychophysical procedure. Trials began with a fixation stimulus, followed by the simultaneous presentation of a visual stream of letters (rapid serial visual presentation), just above central fixation, and an auditory stimulus for 500 ms (first interval). Following a 200-ms delay, another visual stream of letters and another auditory stimulus were presented for 500 ms (second interval). At the end of each trial, participants had a limited time (1000 ms) to report via button press which interval contained the visual target—white letters in the visual color task (low-load condition) or more of the letter A in the visual number task (high-load condition)—and then to report which interval contained the auditory target, which was an amplitude-modulated sound (Experiment 1) or a frequency-modulated sound (Experiment 2). Feedback was provided after each visual and each auditory response. Participants completed blocks of trials for a given condition (high or low load) across several days, in either Experiment 1 or Experiment 2. Date of download: 11/15/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.