PUERTO RICO COMMERCIAL “2010” Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 Puerto Rico Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Conch 304,327 n/a Grouper Total 63,175 177,513 35.6% Parrotfish 49,295 52,737 93.5% Snapper Unit 1 185,850 284,685 65.3% Snapper Unit 2 153,937 145,916 105.5% Snapper Unit 3 157,490 345,775 45.6% Snapper Unit 4 167,467 373,295 44.9%
PUERTO RICO COMMERCIAL “2011” Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 Puerto Rico Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Angelfish 19 8,984 0.2% Boxfish 38,562 86,115 44.8% Goatfishes 6,827 17,565 38.9% Grunts 24,885 182,396 13.6% Jacks 41,154 86,059 47.8% Porgies 17,755 24,739 71.8% Spiny Lobster 355,774 327,920 108.5% Squirrelfish 6,663 16,663 40.0% Surgeonfish 57 7,179 0.8% Triggerfish & Filefish 68,954 58,475 117.9% Wrasses 54,377 54,147 100.4%
PUERTO RICO RECREATIONAL “2010” Species Average Annual 2013, 2014, and 2015 Recreational Landings by Two-month Wave* Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sep-Oct Nov-Dec Total Reported Grouper 4,227 227 2,616 1,902 1,457 10,429 77,213 13.5% Parrotfish 1,740 6,922 5,421 712 9,491 24,286 15,263 159.1% Snapper Unit 1 4,148 3,785 12,431 7,841 207 28,412 95,526 29.7% Snapper Unit 2 261 3 264 34,810 0.8% Snapper Unit 3 14,291 12,677 13,376 8,255 4,180 8,819 61,598 83,158 74.1% Snapper Unit 4 1,493 577 3,436 7,471 116 1,107 14,200 28,509 49.8% *Recreational landings are reported in whole weight and are only available for Puerto Rico
PUERTO RICO RECREATIONAL “2011” Species Species Average Annual 2013, 2014, and 2015 Recreational Landings by Two-month Wave* Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sep-Oct Nov-Dec Total Reported Angelfish 126 4,492 2.8% Boxfish 1,447 1,694 188 3,329 4,616 72.1% Goatfishes 65 362 18.0% Grunts 71 543 415 263 190 1,482 5,028 29.5% Jacks 8,006 3,391 12,800 5,072 6,229 15,758 51,256 51,001 100.5% Porgies 52 701 1,169 1,922 2,577 74.6% Squirrelfish 393 12 129 27 561 3,891 14.4% Surgeonfish 3,590 0.0% Triggerfish & Filefish 5,210 2,631 433 1,858 6,455 6,634 23,221 21,929 105.9% Wrasses 4,172 1,089 337 9,281 14,879 5,050 294.6% *Recreational landings are reported in whole weight and are only available for Puerto Rico
Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 St. Croix Commercial Landings St. Croix “2010” Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 St. Croix Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Conch 21,488 50,000 43.0% Grouper 16,912 30,435 55.6% Parrotfish 89,741 240,000 37.4% Snapper 51,273 102,946 49.8%
Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 St. Croix Commercial Landings St. Croix “2011” Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 St. Croix Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Angelfish 6,625 305 2172.1% Boxfish 1,194 8,433 14.2% Goatfishes 256 3,766 6.8% Grunts 13,316 36,881 36.1% Jacks 7,945 15,489 51.3% Porgies 62 4,638 1.3% Spiny Lobster 48,028 107,307 44.8% Squirrelfish 408 121 337.2% Surgeonfish 10,543 33,603 31.4% Triggerfish & Filefish 10,674 24,980 42.7% Wrasses 2 7 28.6%
St. Thomas/St. John “2010” Species Average 2013, 2014, and 2015 St. Thomas/St. John Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Conch 235 n/a Grouper 36,786 51,849 71.0% Parrotfish 16,174 42,500 38.1% Snapper 42,718 133,775 31.9%
St. Thomas/St. John “2011” Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 St. Thomas/St. John Commercial Landings Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Angelfish 18,920 7,897 239.6% Boxfish 11,239 27,880 40.3% Goatfishes 14 320 4.4% Grunts 11,707 37,617 31.1% Jacks 34,472 52,907 65.2% Porgies 54 21,819 0.2% Spiny Lobster 95,193 104,199 91.4% Squirrelfish 8,696 4,241 205.0% Surgeonfish 12,401 29,249 42.4% Triggerfish & Filefish 49,353 74,447 66.3% Wrasses 2,242 585 383.2%
U.S. Caribbean-wide Species Average 2013, 2014, & 2015 Species Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit Percent of ACL Aquarium trade 156 8,155 1.9% Tilefish 14,642 0.0%
Stocks or Stock Complexes with ACL Overages Average Annual Landings (2013-2015) Relative to the ACL Species or Complex Average Annual Landings (lbs) Annual Catch Limit (lbs) ACL Overage (lbs) PR Commercial Snapper Unit 2 153,937 145,916 8,021 PR Commercial Triggerfish & Filefish 68,954 58,475 10,479 PR Commercial Wrasses** 54,337 54,147 190 PR Spiny Lobster 355,774 327,920 27,854 PR Recreational Parrotfish 24,286 15,263 9,023 PR Recreational Jacks 51,256 51,001 255 PR Recreational Triggerfish and Filefish 23,221 21,929 1,292 PR Recreational Wrasses 14,879 5,050 9,829 STX Angelfish** 6,625 305 6,320 STX Squirrelfish** 408 121 287 STT/STJ Angelfish** 18,920 7,897 11,023 STT/STJ Squirrelfish** 8,696 4,241 4,455 STT/STJ Wrasses** 2,242 585 1,657 **Determined to be due to enhanced data collection and monitoring efforts
Closure Date Based on Average 2013-2015 Fishing Rate Closure Dates Species or Species Group Closure Date Based on Average 2013-2015 Fishing Rate Closure Start Date Used PR Recreational Wrasses April 19 December 31 PR Commercial Triggerfish & Filefish August 13 September 30 PR Spiny Lobster September 7 PR Commercial Snapper Unit 2 September 15 PR Recreational Triggerfish and Filefish September 18 PR Recreational Jacks September 28 PR Recreational Parrotfish November 4
Stocks or Stock Complexes with OFL Overages Overfishing Level (lbs) 2015 Total Annual Landings (Commercial and Recreational Combined) Relative to the OFL Species or Complex 2015 Landings (lbs) Overfishing Level (lbs) OFL Overage (%) PR Spiny Lobster 417,503 364,355 114.6 PR Triggerfish and Filefish 98,858 89,337 110.7 PR Wrasses 56,041 65,774 85.2