Crystalline cholesterol Table 1. Composition of the experimental diets Ingredients Diet IPB1 Diet-1 Diet-2 Diet-3 Diet-4 % DM Wheat flour 42 40 43 43.8 Sugar 9 Powdered egg yolk 4 Crystalline cholesterol 0.2 Beef tallow 5 Coconut oil 10 8 Corn oil 2 Corn meal Rice bran 3 6 7 Soya meal 6.5 Pupa meal Fish meal Mineral mix 1 Cellulose 1.5 Vitamin mix CO = corn oil, FEY = fresh egg yolk; PEY = powdered egg yolk;, CC= Crystalline cholesterol, PM = pupa meal. Diet-1= IPB 1 + CO; Diet-2= IPB 1+CO+PEY; Diet-3= IPB 1+ CO+PM; Diet-4= IPB 1+CO +CC Dewi Apri Astuti et al. The Development of Diets to Induce Atherogenic Lipid Profiles for Cynomolgus Monkeys in Their Country of Origin. World Journal of Agricultural Research, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 5, 247-251. doi:10.12691/wjar-2-5-8 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.